chapter 12•

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The bell rang, "alright bye guys" Bruce said. At this time of the day, Bruce and Vance had math, I had science and robin had history. "Guys miss smith changed my schedule today so I have science with finney first." Robin said, and they both nodded, smiling. "Why'd she change your sched- and I was stopped by being pulled in the closet. "Finney, why'd you start crying? I know for a fact it wasn't a movie scene because you started crying right after the party was mentioned. Are you okay?"

"It's not really Robin, im okay. I promise." I said. "If you.. don't wanna go to the party that's okay" robin said and he looked worried "No, it's okay. I'm fine. I'm good." I fell over onto a bin and robin caught me, pulling me back up. "You okay?" He asked "I'm okay, robin" I leaned in to kiss him. He put his hand through my hair and started twirling a couple strands around his finger

It had been five minutes and we were still in here. A teacher opened the door. "Oh dear, get to class.. school is not the place for this." We walked out and laughed. He grabbed my hand and we ended up just skipping class. After school, we all went to Bruce's. His mom and dad were at Amy's softball tournament a couple hours away, but Bruce stayed home because his parents said he needed to focus on school.

"You guys excited for the party tomorrow?" And there it was. I could feel my eyes were about to form tears, why was I like this? It's just a fucking party. Get over it you weak piece of shit. "I need to piss, I'll be back" I tried to act normal when I said to. I ran to the upstairs bathroom, not to Bruce's. There wouldn't be anything helpful there.

When I got upstairs, I grabbed Ms.Yamada's razor. Only four lines this time, where as usually it would be a lot more. I made them so deep that my arm would be covered in blood. I pushed some toilet paper on the blood, and I covered them with my sleeves and my thick jacket.

I ran downstairs "Why didn't you use my bathroom?" Bruce asked "Oh no reason, I don't really know honestly." Bruce just said 'hm'. We set up two beds as usual and put on a movie, Vance put on the conjuring. That bitch. Robin was rubbing my back, he eventually made his way to my arm. Rubbing his hand up and down. I kept fidgeting around to make sure he wouldn't get to my wrist.

I felt him going over the same spot on my wrist. He put his mouth close to my ear. "What is this finney? These are new" he whispered. I didn't say anything. He turned me around and pulled me into a big hug, comforting me. Vance and Bruce fell asleep. I wrapped my arms back around him and fell asleep.


We all slept in all day. Once we realized we jumped up and got changed, they ate but I wasn't hungry. I never really am. We went to the party right away. Time passed by quick, it was so fun. Nothing bad had happened yet. I was having drinks by the counter with an old friend. Robin Bruce and Vance were somewhere, not sure where.

I had only had one drink so I wasn't drunk or anything. All of a sudden, the music stopped. Robin Vance and Bruce walked in and robin had a big sign that had words glowing up that read out "Be my boyfriend?" With a basket with all my favourite things. I covered my mouth. "oh my god yes!" A tear fell from my eye. I hugged him and tucked my head on his shoulder. Everyone was cheering, except for a couple homophobic people and, Dan.

I saw Dan at the corner of my eye. I had no words. Why the fuck was he watching? He doesn't get to just do that. He walked closer and spoke "Sorry to interrupt this.. thing. Um, robin, should I tell him or do you want to?" He said. I had no idea what was going on. "Dude what the fuck are you doing" Robin said, letting me go. "You heard me, should I tell him now?"

"Just shut up Dan, what's wrong with you?" Robin spoke again, i could hear the fear in his voice but why? "Alright that's my cue to tell him" Dan said "Shut the fuck up Dan!" One of robins friends name Jacob yelled out. He came next to robin, I had met him only once. Everyone was in shock, no one knew what was happening except for the three of them.

"You say anything Dan I swear to god" Jacob said. "Oh im doing it." He grabbed a microphone. I saw robins eyes in fear, "Can everyone hear me! Now I know im not liked in this school but really, should robin be either?" He yelled out. "See a few months ago, Robin and I were bored. Jacob suggested an amazing idea for Robin and he immediately accepted it without a doubt. He made a bet with me that if he could get someone in the school of our choice to fall in love with him in two months, he'd get 2000$ from me, if not he'd give it to me."

"Please just stop Dan" he said. I had a feeling I knew what was happening. "Jacob and I chose finney Blake. We knew he hated him so we thought he'd have no chance. Robin knew he couldn't go directly to finney so he switched the seating in his class to be seated with Bruce yamada, finneys best friend. He never actually liked Bruce, he just needed to get closer to finney."

I looked over at Bruce. He looked upset, I know he really does love robin as a close friend. "All he ever wanted was to get the money, he doesn't actually care for finney. Isn't that right, robin? You used Bruce and you never showed actual interest in being Vance's friend. And most importantly, finney was all just a game to you,"

Three tears fell down robins face. Vance had a straight up disappointed face, Vance never cared about anyone's faults except for Alicia's. "Okay, so I was a bet" I said. "Finney that was before okay please I promise I did actually fa- "No so I was a FUCKING bet." I yelled, "Finn ple- "don't call me that, im done." I walked out the room and Dan laughed.



word count; 1116

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