chapter 5 •

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I walked into school and saw Bruce across the hall and ran up to him. "Hey bruce" I said "Hey dude. Have you seen finney??" He asked "No not since yesterday." "Oh alright"

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom I need to piss" I said "Alright," I walked off. The closest bathroom was three halls away so it took me 4 minutes to get there, I walked in and heard crying and whimpering. "You fucking fag!" I heard someone yell, and I could tell it was Mattys voice.

Who were they beating up? All I could see was Matty Matt and buzz. "Shit." Buzz whispered "Matty turn around" he whispered to him while covering the boy behind them. "What's up Robin?" Matt said "Nothing. Who's that? Finney??" I had a feeling it was. Bruce hadn't seen him and they had a known streak of beating the shit out of him. "No.." he said. I pushed them out of the way and saw finney. He looked really fucked

"You fucking assholes." I said. "Oh cmon Robin, why are you so boring now? You used to always laugh when we would beat him." Buzz said "Fuck off dick head, you guys are nothing but a bunch of giant shit holes. Do you not have anything better to do?"

"And what are you?" Said Matty. And right away my fist swung into his face, leaving it to immediately start bleeding. I threw him to the ground while Buzz and Matt had ran off out of the bathroom. I didn't have control over myself and I kept throwing him against the ground as his mouth and nose were covered in blood.

"If you ever fuck with Finn again, I'll kill you" We're my finale words before I slammed his head against the ground and he started to bleed out from his head.

I pulled finney up as his face was in shock and took him home. He looked really hurt. We got to my house and he still hadn't said much.


I was in the car with Robin. We got to his house and he took me to the bathroom and sat me on the counter. I could see him glancing at the bruises on my legs and arms and the dried up blood on my face. "Finney I need to see if you have bruises anywhere else" He said. I didn't look at him "Can you take off your shirt?"

No way. I was NOT gonna take off my shirt. Im a stick. I can't have him know that. He's fully ripped. "I-I don't" I said, stuttering, "Finney I don't know that though, can you please? It'll be quick I promise." I sighed and pulled off my shirt. Surprisingly, he didn't give me a weird look. Only looked shocked cause of the amount of bruises on my body.

"Holy shit Finn!!" He said "They really did a number on you." "Yeah." He bandaged me up and cleaned my wounds, he also gave me some Tylenol for the pain. "Are you sure you wanna go back to school?" He asked. "I'm sure" I don't actually but I knew I'd get in trouble by my father if I didn't. We got in the car, "Robin?" I asked. "Yeah?"

"Um.. I just wanna say thank you. For helping me" And I didn't think I'd ever be saying thank you to Robin Arellano. "Oh, no problem." He said in return and I saw a little smile on his face "I'm sorry for being stubborn. I think im willing to give you another chance." I said "Wait, really? So you forgive me?" "Yeah.. I forgive you. Just don't fuck up" I said and we both laughed a little bit

We got to school and Bruce ran up to me. "Where were you?! I was so worried finney!!" Bruce said, Vance stood next to him laughing at Bruce. "Wait a second, were you guys making out in the bathroom or something??" Vance asked "Vance!" I yelled. "We were just at my house, Finn just had an um.. headache so I got him some Advil." He said, and I mouthed the words thank you. I didn't want him to say what actually happened.

"Okayy" Bruce said. "Schools cancelled tomorrow because there's supposed to be no electricity at all schools for some reason. Do you all wanna sleepover at mine?" Bruce asked and we all of course agreed. "My dad works late tonight so he won't care." I said. Robins uncle let him go anywhere as-long as he told him before and Vance was already sleeping there because his dad was out of town so he liked to stay there.


The bell rang, school was over. That day felt really short. "Bye Finnn" robin yelled as he walked out the doors. "Bye!" Maybe he wasn't so bad.

word count; 816

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