chapter 10 •

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We got to robins house and went inside to his room. His uncle was at work so we were alone. "Finney, please tell me what happened." He asked "My dad's just really abusive. He has been since my mom passed away, that's why I'm never really home and always at Bruce's." I said. "What.. happened this time?"

"He said that someone saw us kissing and he's homophobic too so he called me a fag and, he hit me a lot. I can't do anything about it. He hits Gwen even more and no matter what I do he never stops."

"What the fuck is wrong with him." He said and I realized I had been crying. He hugged me tight in his arms and comforted me. "I just wish my mom could be here"

"Finney, my dad passed away when I was younger. I've lived with my uncle since. I know how hard it is but I promise you she's looking after you right now. And no matter what I'll always be here for you too, okay? Your dad's a terrible person. He's so lucky to have a kid like you and the fact that he doesn't appreciate that is so wrong." I smiled at him and kissed him. "I love you Robin. Thank you so much for everything, and I'm really sorry about your dad" I said

"It was a while ago. But just please whenever you're struggling, tell me. I'll be here for you every step." He looked into my eyes and kissed me, I layed on top of him and I felt his hands running through my hair. He picked me up and put me against the wall, holding me up by my legs. All of a sudden he stopped. He was looking down at my legs. Fuck.

I saw a tear in his eye. "Finney" he said, I already knew what he saw. I jumped out his arms and tried to run away but he grabbed my arm. "Finney please stay here" he said "it was awhile ago, I promise." I said about to cry again "These are fresh finney I can see them, why?" He asked, and now I was crying as well. "I'm sorry" I said "I'm really sorry" he hugged me again holding me and not letting go. I eventually fell asleep in his arms.


Finney had fell asleep in my arms. I tried not to wake him up as I reached for my phone, someone messaged me. I opened the message 'Your gonna regret everything Robin'. It was from someone unknown. Why the fuck do I always get messed with. I went to block them when I recognized the phone number, holy fucking shit. Fuck.


I woke up and saw Robin wasn't in the room. I remembered everything that happened last night. I really hope he doesn't ask about it. I went to the bathroom but someone was in there, it must've been Robin. I knocked "robin??" I said. "Y-yeah?" He said, he didn't sound good. "You alright?" He walked out the bathroom "Sorry, yeah I'm good." He walked past me and I turned to look at him, he was already going down the stairs.

When we were eating breakfast he didn't say one work, or even look at me. I didn't eat any of my breakfast. I threw it away, I didn't feel well. He put on a show and I went to watch with him but when I try to sit near him he put his legs out. "The fuck is wrong with you right now Robin?" I said, and I knew it was harsh.

"What" he said. "You heard me you asshole" he looked at me from the corner of his eye. "Sorry. Don't feel good" he stared right at the tv. "I'm gonna go home." I said in a low tone. As I started walking off the couch I fell down and passed out. All I could hear was a bluffed out 'finney?!'.


I was at the hospital. Finney still wasn't awake but the doctors said he was okay, just that he hadn't eaten. I swear I thought I saw him eat his breakfast this morning, but why would Finn be starving himself? Another doctor cane out. "Robin finneys father is here so you're free to go home." He said.

"What? I wanna stay, i need to know he's okay. And why is his dad here. He doesn't need to be"
"Robin, we have to call him since he's the only legal adult who has custody of him. He's his father, he would want him here." The doctor said "you have no idea what he would want." Suddenly Mr. Blake came and sat down pretty much next to me. The doctor went back in the room which let me alone with him.

"What makes you think you can fuck my son, faggot." He said. "Excuse you?!" I looked at him in shock. "It's the only truth fag." How can a 50 year old be so immature. "First off, I'm not fucking your son you piece of shit. I'm not even an adult, I'm a kid. What just makes you think you can start assuming that? And second, if you ever call me a faggot again I will put you in the ground." I said.

He scoffed and laughed at me. "I'm fully fucking serious Terrence." Sharing his name disgusted me. "Using names now huh." He stared me in the eyes. "Yeah, dickwad." He stood up and threw a punch at me as I grabbed his fist. "That's honestly sad." I said, laughing. "Pretty sure the doctor wouldn't want you using physical violence against me, would he?" He walked out the room and I smiled as he left.

word count; 967

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