chapter 3 •

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i woke up dizzy and weird. Where was i?? All i saw was my two arms wrapped around someone. Who even is tha-

holy shit.

"What the fuck?" I said. And he woke up startled. I stood up and got out of bed. "What the fuck robin? Why am I in bed with you?" He sat there as Bruce walked in hearing me yell, "Finn, robin was already sleeping here. You followed him in." Was that true? I mean I was pretty high but there's no way I was high enough to do something like that.

I was so mad at myself. "I'm going home." I walked, but I was walking crooked since I was really dizzy. "Finn you don't look so good just stay here," Bruce insisted. "No Bruce, im going home." After that I walked out and went home. Why were my arms around him? I kept asking myself that. It was a Saturday, which meant no school. Suddenly I got a text. It was from robin on Instagram?

'Hi Finney. I'm really if that made you uncomfortable. You didn't follow me in there, Bruce lied. Yesterday night Bruce told me you would stay the night and that I needed to sleep with you since him and Vance were already sleeping together. I told him how pissed you'd be but he didn't listen and said he would just tell you that you apparently followed me in there. I also wanted to apologize for everything else. I know it might not mean anything to you but I just need you to know that im really sorry. I hurt you for so many years and it was so wrong of me and I wish I could take it all back. I'm trying to get better. I don't except you to forgive me just like that but I know that I was a dick all these years. I truly apologize and I also understand if you don't wanna answer. Thanks for reading.

Was he really sorry? Could he have actually meant it? What am I saying, of course he didn't mean it. Robins a bad person. He always has been, nothing will change that.

but what if he did change.

I don't even know what to say. Why did this have to happen? Why did he ever have to be such a dick?"

'Hey Robin. This is a really hard thing for me to answer but I really don't know what to say. I appreciate you apologizing but I don't know if I'll ever fully forgive you. I know you already probably know this, but you really hurt me badly. I don't know exactly what'll happen, but I'll probably see you more when im with Bruce. Otherwise I don't think I'll be talking to you much. But still thank you for apologizing.

I think that was good, hopefully. Suddenly my phone rang "Hey Finn wanna go to a party tonight with me and Vance? And uh, Robin." It was Bruce. "Yeah okay, Robin sent me like a big apology so im not his friend but I said I'll probably talk to him when im with you and stuff but that's it. I didn't fully forgive him though." I said

"Great!!" Bruce said And I could hear the excitement in his voice. "Where is it?" I asked. "Cale Damon's house." "Is Vance picking us up?" I asked "Yes, he's picking up me and Robin then you right after." We figured out the other details, I hadn't been to a party in a while. Mostly because im not normally invited to many. It was 2 and the party was at 6. I still had four hours


Vance was a minute away from my house. I was wearing a nice top with some jeans. Vance was at my house and I went in the backseat of his car with Robin. "Hey Finn" Bruce said. Blasting music. Cale's house was only a minute drive from mine so we arrived pretty quickly. As soon as we got to the party, I saw my friend Andie Leanol. She was really nice

"Hey finney!" She said. I smiled at her and said hi back. Vance pulled me over to the corner where the drinks were. "Take some shots finney" he said smiling "oh cmon Vance you don't wanna overdue him." Bruce said and robin was laughing. "No, I want to" I said to Bruce and he kinda glared at me in shock.

I picked up a can of beer and chugged it, it was strong as fuck. I took a couple hits too.

Timeskip (im sorry)

I was so high. I went upstairs on the couch and sat there, I felt so dizzy. I couldn't go home since Vance and them weren't leaving yet. All of a sudden a girl named Alicia came up to me. She sat down close to me and looked at me. "Hey Finney." She said, smirking. "Hi?" She chuckled when I responded. "Want a drink of water?" I was really dehydrated and I wasn't drunk so I didn't think twice and took a couple sips.

Right away I felt nauseous and out of control of my body.

Robins pov

"I'm gonna go look for finney so we can leave." Bruce, Vance and I were about to leave. Finney wasn't anywhere near us so I went upstairs to look for him. I immediately saw a blonde girl on top of him touching his.. places. He was moaning but not like he wanted it, I heard him say things like "stop please" or "don't do it please" in between unwanted moans. "What the fuck?!" I yelled at her. "Get the fuck off of him Alicia!" I recognized her now, Alicia.

She looked at me "Aww, are you a fag for him robin?" She said and I saw finney crying. I pushed her off of him. I would've beaten the shit out of her if she were a guy. I picked up finney and brought him to the car where Bruce and Vance were waiting. He had passed out from how tired and high he was.

"What happened?" They asked. They could see the look on my face. "He doesn't know exactly what was happening yet. He won't remember it when he wakes up and I know he'll be upset if he knows. I'll tell you guys when we get home as long as you promise not to tell him." I said. They both nodded.

word count; 1086

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