chapter 4•

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we all went to Bruce's house and finney was still sleeping in Bruce's bed. I was in the kitchen when I saw Bruce and Vance at the table. They both looked worried, mostly Bruce. I sat down and they looked at me. "Robin what happened last night with finney?" Bruce asked. "Do you guys know Alicia?? I don't know her last name, but she's blonde." I said. "Yeah of course, she's my ex." Vance said

"What the shit." Was all I managed to say. "Okay anyway. I walked upstairs and saw her on top of finney sexually touching him and he was crying and moaning but not in a wanted way. After i told her to get off of him but she didn't so I pushed her off and finney passed out." I said. "Are you serious??" Bruce asked, looking pissed. "She always wanted to do stuff with me and I always told her no. That's why we broke up."

Vance said. "She's fucking physco. She's slept with like 8 guys in the past 2 weeks." He said again. "What the fuck is wrong with her??" Asked Bruce, "I don't know. But please don't tell him. I don't want him to be upset." They both nodded and then finney walked through the frame. Staring at us. "Shit, how much of that did you hear?" His eyes were tearing up. He ran back upstairs. "Fuck." I said. Bruce ran upstairs right away


I didn't know what to say. I hate Alicia. Why would she even do that. And how do I not remember any of it? I heard a knock at Bruce's door. It was Bruce. "Hi Finn" he said. I ignored him. "I'm so sorry finney. I really wish I would've stayed with you. You didn't deserve that." I still stayed silent as he walked and sat next to me. "I'll make sure she gets a punishment. I promise."

Then I remembered what Robin said. 'But please don't tell him. I don't want him to be upset'. "Bruce" I said with a shaky voice "Yeah?"
"Did.. robin really not want me to be upset?"

I asked.

"Finn, I know he was a dick before. But I promise you he's changed. He doesn't want anything bad for you and he really is sorry. He was the one who dealt with Alicia and brought you in when you passed out. I really do think you should give him a chance." He said. "Oh." I got up. "I'm gonna go home. Um, are you able to drive me? I know it's not far but im not going to my house im going to this place." I asked

"Sorry Finn. I'm still wonky, same with Vance. Robin will drive you though" I didn't really want him to drive me but I really wanted to leave. So here I was in the car.

"So" he said. I stayed silent. "Finney, im really sorry about what happened. I really didn't want you to know."

"Robin. Why do you care about me?" I asked
"What?" He said confused "You heard what I said." "I feel really bad about everything. I told you that."

"Why now" I said leaning my head against the door. "I don't know," he said

The gps told us we were at our destination. I opened the door "wait finney" he said just as I unbuckled my seat belt. "This is the cemetery" I looked at him "Great observation genius" I left the car and shut the door, going to a grave.

Samantha Blake 1981-2021

My eyes started to tear up, and then I found myself crying. Holding onto the flowers that were left there a couple weeks ago. I heard someone breathing behind me and turned around "Why are you here?" I asked him, sniffling and I felt how puffy my eyes were. "I'm so sorry finney." He said "Fuck you robin. For three years you bullied me and made fun of my mother. Why should you ever get to apologize?"

"Finney I know im really s- "I don't fucking care. You're nothing but an idiotic shit head." I walked off and ran as a fast as I could to get home even though it was a 10 minutes walk. When I got home I went to my room and slept the rest of the day.

Vance and I were sitting at my table playing a game when robin walked in. I could tell he wasn't happy "What happened?" I said, but he looked at me with tired eyes and walked off to the guest bedroom. I looked at Vance and then left the table to go find Robin

"Robin what happened seriously" he stared at me before answering "Finney's not ever gonna forgive me. There's no point in telling him anymore, I tried Bruce. I can't take back what I did. I ruined his life" robin had said, and apart of me knew that was true even though I didn't wanna believe it. "You have to keep trying robin. I know that he'll eventually forgive you, he's my best friend. I know him."

"He hates me. And yeah he has a right to of course but he's not changing his mind about me." I sighed "Look, I can't control what you do, but this is a stupid decision. I'm telling you he's gonna forgive you soon enough. It's gonna take time. Be patient with him, okay? I'm gonna go back downstairs." He nodded "Thank you Bruce" I looked at him and smiled

word count; 927

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