chapter 6•

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I was walking over to Bruce's. His parents weren't home and Amy was sleeping at my house with Gwen. When I got to Bruce's, robin opened the door. "Hey mi amor" he said, and I didn't understand it because it's Spanish. Only Bruce and him did. "What does that mean?" I said

"Oh don't worry about it" Bruce was looking at robin with a small smirk on his face. Vance ran into the room with cochaine and weed. "Who's ready?" He said "Oh my god Vance are you crazy your gonna get us arrested!" I yelled "Don't worry about it, that's not gonna happen." He said. Bruce and robin sat down next to him. I walked over and sat down.

Timeskip to later

Bruce had invited over Griffen and billy as well, two kids in my grade. They were nice. I was high as shit. "Guysss we should play seven minutes in heaven" Vance said and we all agreed, I would've never agreed if i wasnt so high. Vance spun first and it of course landed on Bruce, he definitely rigged it.

"Woahh what a coincidence let's go!" They went into the closet. We all joked about how INLOVE they were while we waited for the seven minutes to be done. They walked out and I saw purple hickeys on Bruce's neck.. of course. Billy spun next and it landed on griffen.  He smiled at him and they walked into the closet "Did you guys see that smile" Bruce said.

"Billy's gay you dumbass he's liked griffen since like he was born." Robin said and we all laughed at the look on Bruce's face. They finally got out for what feels like forever. Now it was my turn. They forced me to go. "Who's little finney gonna get?" Vance teased "Shut up" I said. It finally landed. Robin. "YES" Vance screamed. "Do I have to go" I asked and Robin laughed. "Yes you do." Griffen said

Robin grabbed my hand and pulled me to the closet. I actually wanted to die. We got to the closet and sat down. It was actually big because Bruce's house is massive, but it was still small enough that I was touching him when we sat down. "We don't actually have to do anything if you don't wa-. Before he could finish his sentence I kissed him. What the actual shit.

I was high and not thinking. We hardly let go and when it was done I didn't say anything and we just walked out the closet. Bruce smiled at me, he could tell something happened by the way I was biting my nails.

A couple hours later billy and griffen went home and we were all going to sleep. We could've all had bedrooms but we all wanted to be near eachother so we played two queen mattresses on the ground of Bruce's basement. "Guys can I sleep with Vance and robin and finney can sleep together?" Bruce said, and I rolled my eyes at him "Yeah yeah" I said "kk thanks!" He said smirking at me. I was still high.

Vance and Bruce had went upstairs to Bruce's room, they said they were gonna grab some stuff or something. I was downstairs with Robin "Did you see Vance and Bruce when they got out? Bruce had like 20 hickies!" Robin whisper yelled "I know oh my god." Bruce's phone ran. I hung it up without seeing who it was. But it rang again and again. "Bro who even is that" I said

I read the name and saw it. What the hell? "It's.. it's Jayden Sloan." "Who?" Robin asked. "Um. Can we go home please? I don't know. We can go to my house if you want or yours." Robin looked confused. "We can go to mine.. My uncle hasn't met you yet so he wouldn't want me at your house yet" I nodded. The name on the phone was 'bsf jayden 🙏🙏' which didn't even seem like a name Bruce would use. But how could he do that??

"I'm gonna go tell Bruce. Are you okay?" He said "I'll talk to you in the car" robin nodded and went upstairs.


I ran upstairs and opened the door. They were making out, not surprising.. "Vance you said you locked the door!!" Vance shrugged and I laughed, "Bruce I know this is random but finney asked to go to his house with me or mine and so we're going to mine.. he saw something and he freaked out so im really sorry but I don't want him to be alone"

Bruce was confused "Huh? What did he see?" Robin hesitated "your phone wouldn't stop ringing so he checked who it was and it said someone named jayden and he just freaked out" Bruce dropped pale "Shit, fuck!" He yelled

"What?? What's wrong?" I asked, finney walked through the door, his eyes were red and I didn't know if it was from the drugs or if he had been crying. "Robin are you ready?" He asked. He didn't look at Bruce once. "Yeah im coming, bye guys" i said waving. Bruce didn't say bye. He sat there looking extremely worried and pale. Finney ran downstairs and outside to the car.

5 minutes through the drive I finally spoke "So.. what happened?" I asked. "It's kind of a long story." I showed him that I was listenting and then he talked.

"Um, so me and Bruce met since I was like a month old. And when we were one we also were best friends with this guy, jayden. Obviously we were babies so we didn't know what best friends were but we were all this 'trio' from ages 1-13." He said "Yeah?"

"Um, so me and Bruce had always been closer since we had met first and we were just closer in general. When jayden was 11 he got jealous a lot and so we started to make sure he was fully included in everything. At one point Jayden was really mad that we were closer so he tried to make lies about me and got Bruce to make fun of me with him. Bruce never really wanted too, eventually jayden started to beat me up a lot. That's when Bruce stopped making fun of me and didn't get involved in it."

I nodded "Bruce and I became best friends again but Jayden was still one of his best friends. Jayden got really mad and when he was 13 he um.." he hesitated "He raped me. He invited me over and he did that. Bruce walked in on it because I had told Bruce to come over because I didn't wanna be alone with him. Bruce straight away stopped being friends with him and he told me they never talked since. Since of course, Jayden was a terrible person"

"And the name was 'bsf Jayden' meaning they never stopped being friends." He said and I could hear in his voice that he started to cry.

word count; 1175

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