Fallen Hero (Neutral Ending Two)

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This Ending, much like the one that leads into the Sapphire Spin-off, does not take place at the end of the story. Rather, it takes place after the eight year separation of FRSB.

Instead of freeing Ozpin, Jack chooses a different route, leading to Yin never seeing what the Church did to him.

This means that Yin stays with the Church, and the organization spurs on his racist religious zealotry again. He has fallen from the typical path that he has followed throughout the Timelines, leading to the name of the Ending, 'Fallen Hero'.

This Ending leads into the Violet and Midori Spin-off.



Jack paused over the chains that held Ozpin in place, letting out a soft hum. If Leaf found out Jack had set him free, it would stop the Ripper from keeping an eye on the Church. While Jack could simply lie, if the Church turned on him then it could derail the plan of the Gods. To Jack, he contemplated if the risk was worth it.

It would. But at the same time, Jack was a very curious man by nature. He pulled his hands away, pocketing the key.

"... I suppose we could have fun instead, Monsieur Ozpin," he cooed.

Ozpin stared up at him, his face pale as Jack's mouth began to water.

"Mon Ami... I am quite hungry. Though I have orders to keep you alive... I am certain you will not die from just a few bites."

The other trapped prisoners soon joined the screaming as they watched Jack slice pieces of Ozpin's arms off, the Ripper devouring the chunks in silence.

And the entire time while Yin sipped his coffee just upstairs, the screams never reached the deacon. He remained unaware as the hours turned to weeks, and the weeks turned to months, and finally to three and a half years.

In that time, Yin slowly rose through the ranks. Constantly preaching, constantly healer wounds that ranged from minor, becoming more severe as the time passed.

And slowly, Yin began to see the Church as right again. Over time, he began to believe the Goblin City and the Secret City were just ploys, clever tricks. As he began to heal gravely wounded adventurers, he would see missing limbs, lacerations that had cut arteries and required tourniquets to keep the people alive and reach the Church.

All done by the nonhumans who were treated as monsters on the western side of the mountains, opposite of the Secret City.


Yin bit down on the cloth as the searing hot iron pressed into his bare back, Leaf and Rojo holding his arms out, stopping him from instinctively fighting back. Glenroy pressed the iron deeper into his back, the flesh sizzling as it burned. The Knight Commander pulled it away, exposing the fresh brand.

The brand of the Church of Light.

Rojo and Leaf dropped Yin to the ground, the deacon drooling, barely conscious as his fingers scratched weakly at the ground, his blonde head rising to stare at the Pope.

Iris watched from his desk, slowly nodding his head. "... Congratulations, Yin... Now you are one of us," the fat old man said. "... From here on, you are no longer a deacon. I am raising you to the rank of bishop; Cardinal Rojo will take care of you. Is this alright with you, Cardinal?"

Rojo grinned, flashing a thumbs up before yanking Yin to his feet and wrapping his huge and muscled arm around the bishop's shoulders. "O' course, Your Holiness! Yin and I are pals! Ain't that right, bishop?"

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