Chapter 29: Battle for Faralda

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Disclaimer: Obviously, the song is not mine. Touhou Project belongs to Team Shanghai Alice and ZUN, the song belongs to UNDEAD CORPORATION, and the art belongs to the artist. I just figured it would be nice to have some music for the war that's about to happen.

And as much as I despise Rojo, he's still going to be a threat. That's how villains should be, in my opinion; powerful, and cruel. Very few have I ever redeemed - Tyrian, Cinder and Vao in the first story (not counting Mercury. He survived, but left to do his own thing after Menagerie), and Salem at the end of the second story after it was revealed the God of Darkness cursed her with more than just eternal life.

Rojo will never be a villain I even think of redeeming.



The goblin noble house had never seen much outside of goblins. With the exception of the adventurers, of course. In the negotiation hall, repurposed for a war room, the goblin chief sat at the head of the table, his fingers interlocked and his bearded chin resting against his extended thumbs. Salem and her companions sat not far away, and across from the chief was the dictator of Aldia.

James seemed on edge. But that could be said for many of the elves; the majority of them knew goblins as violent monsters. The Goblin City was among the very rare peaceful tribes, while most of the others had turned to violence like other nonhumans. Vao was one of the few not sitting at the table. Instead, he was off by himself, entertaining a few of the elf soldiers.

"Do it again! Do it again!" One of them slurred drunkenly. Vao snickered, juggling his head. It was a very disturbing scene, yet completely natural for a dullahan.

James sighed, drumming his fingers lightly against the table. "... I never could have imagined nonhumans would participate in a war for freedom," he said. Salem felt grateful that he was trying his best to not offend them by calling the goblins monsters. He was fully aware who the real monsters were. The goblin chief nodded.

"Thank you for not hurt goblin," he agreed. "Look forward to fight with you."

James smirked. The tension was lifting, but not by much. Ozpin nudged Salem - it was her turn. The outlawed princess sighed, reaching into her pack and pulling out a map and laying it down. The leaders and her companions leaned forward to get a better look. It was a map of Faralda and the surrounding area. Salem's finger pointed to the north.

"If we rush the western gate altogether, our chances of success aren't that high," she said. "James, we want you to lead the elves on an assault at the north gate. The rest of us will attack the western gate."

"And if they close the gates?" Pyrrha questioned. Vao finally looked up, walking back to the table and reattaching his head.

"I sent a letter to the lads in the Thieves Guild. They'll do their best to open them from the inside," he explained. "They may be a bunch of crooks, but we've got some of the best assassins and thieves in the kingdom."

"... Which one were you?" Yin asked worriedly. Vao chuckled.

"Thief. I didn't change my class to stealth archer until I fled to the Wilds."

That made Yin feel a bit better. He was already put off by the fact that his brother had ties to the criminal underground, but at least he hadn't been killing people until he had to. Verde spoke up.

"... There is also the issue of Rojo," she stated blankly. "He is a former paladin in the Royal Army. No doubt he will prove a challenge - that is, if he fights on the front lines, which is highly unlikely given his status as a Cardinal. He'll be hiding in the cathedral, waiting for us."

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