1 | Egomaniacs & Pinky Promises

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I looked across the gorilla to where Flo had her little boy Ryan in her arms, doing her best to calm his high pitched cries down. She was stressed and worrying her head off, considering Raw was beginning soon.

Everything she did wasn't working though. Her forced laughs and baby voices. Jokes and tickles, weren't working.

Ryan was only a few months old, but he was growing more and more difficult by the day. The words of Flo. He had an attitude just like his mami did. Or... well Rhea did. I'm not allowed to call her that outside of the ring.

I honestly had an attitude too around him. Because apparently Finn was his favourite uncle... some bullshit that was.

Rhea went over to meet Flo, taking Ryan into her large arms and he immediately calmed down against her chest. She was in her complete outfit ready for her promo shortly, makeup and hair all done. But she always had time for him and Flo.


They were a family. A beautiful, pretty fucking incredible family. As much as I adored and appreciated them all, I envied them too. I really, really did.

Calling off my engagement was... everything was instantly crushed. I dreamt of a future like theirs. A proposal. A wedding. Pregnancy. A son. Raising a son with the love of my life. But now, my wife's face was blank.

I bounced on my toes, attempting to keep warm for my match with Gunther soon. It was gonna be hard hitting. I've heard he's brutal to work with in the ring so, I was trying to really stay warm and ready.

"Hey, Dom. You ok?" That was Flo suddenly coming up, asking me softly if I was alright. Ryan now back in her arms and all happy again. Rhea definitely did not have that affect on many people...

"Hey, Flo. Yeah, just getting ready." I couldn't help myself and leaned in to a content Ryan, softly swiping at his cheek. "Hey, little guy."

His face quickly began to turn sour...

"Dom..." Flo moaned and stared at me. "He had just calmed down." She complained. It's not my fault he's a little b- "Rhea!" Flo quickly shouted, fast walking across the gorilla to Rhea who was already worrying and on her way to Flo, thinking something was wrong. When he seen he was just upset again, she let out a breath and calmed him down again, swiping over Flos hair softly and lovingly as she did it.

Suddenly, I was shouldered and had to stumble back on my feet. Braun Strowman glanced at me, grumbling something which didn't sound like an apology. I brushed myself off and watched him walk over to Rosa, who I was only just now realising she had walked into the room.

I don't know how because I always spotted her when she came into the same room as me. She was- she always stood out to me. The long brown hair. The Latino glowing skin. Her freckles. The innocence to her...

She was fucking beautiful, and I had to stop myself from drooling over her everytime.

I shook it off and her out of my head, getting ready for the match that was starting soon.


Boos erupted in the ring as Doms entrance music began playing. I was still getting used to how loud they were. I needed to gather myself before introducing him. "The following contest is scheduled for one fall..." I announced Dom, accompanied by Jd to the ring for his title match against Gunther.

I was worried for him.

Gunther was insane in the ring. I reckon you could hear his chops from outside the stadium. He was incredible to watch, even though whoever he faces always left with bruises and marks.

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