12 | Concussions & Group Chats

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We got back from the hospital, where they took the glass out of Rheas wrist successfully, and on the way back to the hotel room. We had a flight tomorrow morning, and I was getting pretty tired.

Rhea demanded they check me out and turns out I had a bit of a late concussion, and now Rhea was really upset and angry at me. But at the same time, she was annoyed she couldn't punish me roughly how she definitely wanted for a while. Yet she was also very caring, holding open the bathroom door for me to come shower with her. She was acting like I could drop dead any moment.

"I'm fine, Rhea. Really." I assured her as I reached back to want to unzip my dress.

"Are you sure?" She came up behind me, resting her head on my shoulder. "Be honest, Flo." She added and began unzipping my dress for me.

"I am." I replied. "Actually-" my dress fell to the ground, leaving my naked. I turned around to face her.

Rheas eyes falling down my body, then to my face. "What? What's wrong?" Her eyebrows creased.

I crossed my arms. "What you said about Becky's daughter-"

She rolled her eyes. "Seriously? Flo? Why are you upset about a storyline?"

"So Becky knew and approved of you bringing up her daughter?" I asked, a bit more force in my tone. Rhea reached to turn the shower on, avoiding my question. Answering it for me. "See now what if she brought up Ryan out there?"

"She wouldn't even fucking think-"

"Rhea." I cut her off, taking my earrings out. "I don't think she thought you would say that either. But you did. Doesn't it make you a little uncomfortable, you have a son."

Rhea shrugged. "She brought you up."

"Because you started it." I said.

Rhea looked to the wall and started taking her clothes off.

I walked beneath the shower water, humming at the warmth on my skin. I rinsed it through my hair and took a minute to relax.

Then Rhea come up behind me and wrapped her arms around me, kissing my neck and-

I pulled back and turned around to face her, crossing my arms.

Rhea dropped her arms. "What? You're not letting me touch you now then?"

"No, I'm upset. You don't seem to understand why I'm upset." I said.

Rhea let out a breath. "I know why you're upset. I just- It's hard when she brought you up. I don't particularly regret saying it anymore." I listened to her. "Flo. You got into a very physical fight tonight and you're not even going to let me look after you? You're hurt."

"I'm fine."

Rhea touched my cheek softly. "You're not. Your cheek is bruising from her swinging the fucking chair at you." She come in closer. "It's hurts me, knowing it was my fault you did that."

"It wasn't your fault."

"If I wasn't so distracted at screaming at Becky, you wouldn't have attacked Liv." Rhea said.

Oh, yes I would have. Well... "Technically I just slapped her. She attacked me."

"And then who attacked her back the last time?" She tilted her head.

I crossed my arms. "If you were me, you would have put her through the wall."

Rhea smiled and chuckled. "God, you're so sexy when you're possessive over me." She came in closer, grabbing my waist.

And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | Spicy and PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now