40 | Rallies & Break(er)

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Rhea 💗: What do you think about masks?

Flo? Masks? Like doctor masks? x

Rhea 💗: Definitely not doctor masks, Flo. Scary masks.

Flo: Scary ones? For what? Halloween is ages away? x

Rhea 💗: Baby...

Flo: Oh.

Rhea 💗: Oh is the better reaction x

Flo: I don't know, what sort of mask? x

Rhea 💗: It depends what strikes you fancy. We better watch some horror movies when you get back, Angel x

Flo: Now I'm nervous.

Flo: WAIT! How did Damien take it? x

Rhea 💗: Surprisingly well. He's obviously extremely angry at Liv, and Rosa will be too when he tells her. I told him to leave you about it, so he shouldn't talk to you x

Flo: I feel really bad. I'm blaming myself for all of this

Rhea 💗: Flo. It's not your fault. It's her fault.

Flo: I feel stuck. I don't know what to do with her.

Rhea 💗: Did she say what she wanted? She knows I'm never going to be with her.

Flo: She wants me to break your heart, Rhea. She hates me. She wants me to lose everything x

Rhea 💗: You could never do that to me x

Flo: Depends if I did something really bad x

Rhea 💗: Oh yeah? Like what?

Flo: I don't know, I don't wanna think about bad things 😔x

Rhea 💗: Then don't, beautiful. We will find a way around this ok? Don't think about it x

Flo: I'll try my best x

Flo: How's Ryan? How's your shoulder? The dogs?

Rhea 💗: All perfect as we can be without you here.

Flo: If your heart hurts without me at home, I think I could definitely break it by the way x

Rhea 💗: Are you trying to be a brat? Do I need to choose a mask out myself?

Flo: Call you after the show... x

Rhea 💗: Straight after.

I put my phone away, only to be pretty quickly confronted by Ellie. "Flo? What the fuck is happening? Why is my career, my fiancés career being threatened by some blonde, dumb, whore?" She glared at me with rage all on her face. "I'm about two seconds away from finding her and dragging her by that fake ass hair and-"

"Ellie!" I quietened her down and grabbed her arm. "Please take a breather."

Ellie closed her mouth and her eyes and took a deep breathe. "I'm serious though, what the fuck is she doing?"

"It's a lot to explain." I rubbed my forehead. "She's threatening me with you, basically."

"What's she got over your head?" Ellie asked.

"Nothing really." I say. "You guys. Your careers. She wants me to cause Rhea to basically leave me. She wants me gone."

"Why the fuck is... I know you guys have been fighting and stuff, I had no idea she was a fucking psychotic bitch. Well, what are we going to do about it?" She crossed her arms. "Because I sure as fuck aren't just going to let her fuck everything up we've worked so hard for. This shit is ending tonight." And she turned away.

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