9 | X's & Psychos

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I woke up to Ryan making soft noises right beside me. I must have just nodded off for a minute, because I hadn't slept all night.

I was attempting to distract my racing mind by playing with a sleep little guy last night. Then he fell asleep and I was just awake. Watching him. Wondering and thinking about everything.

I'd decided that there was 0% chance that Rhea cheated or even thought about cheating on me. As much as it might appear or seem like that, if it was anyone else maybe... But she wouldn't do that to me. I don't think she'd really do that or condone doing that to anyone. She's expressed in the past how sick others make her feel.

But it doesn't mean that it was ok.

She might have forgotten or whatever to tell me and show me, but- the whole week? It was like a whole week of her getting these, and she couldn't tell me at all?

Over the crappy week, she couldn't remember "oh, I should tell her this just in case. Because it could make the situation worse than it is."

She was wrong for not telling me. I don't believe she was hiding it. I could see she hadn't responded. But she couldn't block her? Even if she did still want to show me, can't she still block her and just tell me.

My mind was just racing with these thoughts all night. I avoided sleep, wanting to keep an eye on Ryan, and also because this motel was kind of sketchy feeling.

When I decided to reply to Rhea, out of worry she would call the police or something, I was waiting for her to come banging on the door. Begging for her to let me in.

But she didn't. She did what she said and gave me the night. Which is what I really needed to think things over. What I wanted to hear and what I wanted to say.

It was pretty strange she wasn't here yet, or even called or texted me. I was a little concerned and got up, grabbing some water and checking on Ryan. He was falling asleep again comfortably in the sheets. He was adorable.

Too bad his mom was a bitch sometimes...

I went to lie back down, but heard some clearing of throat outside and some movement. I peeked out the window next to the door and examined the motel and the sun rising.

Peering down, I gasped when I saw Rhea. Asleep, and leaning against the door. Sat on the concrete. Uncomfortable. She has to be freezing.

She slept out here? Alone? All night?

I moved to open the door quickly, and watched her wake up and fall back as I opened it. She caught herself and blinked awake like she was remembering where she was.

Then she looked up to me, and crawled to her feet. "Flo..." she whispered deeply, rubbing at her eyes. "Are you ok?"

Am I ok? Is she ok? She just slept outside. "Why did you sleep there?" I asked, looking down to the ground.

"Because I i said I would give you the night." She cleared her croaky sleepy voice away. "Until you told me you went to a motel, Florence. You should have just went home..."

"I needed some time."

Rheas admired my face for a second, and reached to grab my hands. Then she looked inside. "Is Ryan alright?"

"He's asleep." I let her hold my hands, I missed the warmth of her.

Rhea swallowed nervously. "Can we talk inside?" She actually asked.

Not forced her way in. Asked me.

"Yeah." I pulled my hands out and went inside, going to check on a sleeping Ryan again. I sat on the edge of the bed and she came in, stretching her spine and neck as she she shut the door.

And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | Spicy and PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now