She wasn't quite sure what she was going to do after the wedding tomorrow all she knew was she needed to get as far away as possible and disappear from her life now.

Her heart was breaking. the thought of leaving Freen. her friends without an explanation were eating her up inside but she had to go, it was the only way Faye was going to keep her mouth shut about Irin's death.

Playing it over and over in her head Becky really didn't care if she was grassed in for what she done but there was no way she would allow Freen's career be put in jeopardy when it was Becky who she was protecting in the first place.

She knew she couldn't say to Freen that her leaving was done by Faye. Freen would freak and most likely drop everything for Becky, but Becky knew she couldn't live with herself knowing Freen could possibly never operate on another person again.

So, she was just going to vanish get on that flight to Malaysia and bunk up with another nurse she had done her nursing training with and stay until she figured out how she was going to spend her future, alone and longing for Freen.

"Right fuck it...where's the tequila" Becky piped as she stood up finishing the glass of wine and heading straight for the kitchen, she needed to keep her mind off the idea that she was leaving tomorrow.

"Becky no, I'm getting married tomorrow" Char warned as she took another sip of wine and watched her friend appear a moment later with two shot glasses and a half empty bottle of tequila.

"All the more reason to get drunk" Becky laughed as she took her seat opposite her friend and began pouring the clear liquid.

"This is it now more late nights out or checking other girls are making a big commitment tomorrow. Marriage is for life you know" Becky babbled as Char smirked at her accepting the shot glass.

"Is that right...for life aye" Char asked as she knocked back her drink as she shuddered.

"It is if you don't fuck it up" Becky sighed mimicking her friends action the burning liquid was making her feel less numb.

"Don't fuck it up" Becky said quietly looking Char dead in the eye as she grabbed the glasses again pouring another shot.

"What's going on with you Becky, I feel like I'm so caught up with the wedding I've not really asked how you are doing" Char said as Becky gave her a weak smile taking another drink.

"Nothing Char...everything's fine" Becky stated as she pushed Char's shot further towards her.

"Promise" Char questioned reluctantly accepting the shot off the table.

"Promise" Becky lied as Char gave her a mischief smile and accepted her drink.


"I love youuuuuuuu" Becky giggled as she collapsed onto the couch attacking a drunken Char with a cushion who was also in a fit of giggles.

A knock to the door broke the girl's laughter as Char pushed her friend off of her and stumbled to the front door swinging it open.

"What's up doc" Char laughed as Freen breath out waving her hand in front of her nose already smelling to lingering odor of booze from inside the flat.

" do realize you are getting married tomorrow" Freen laughed nervously as she stepped into the flat.

"I know" Char grinned as she bit her lip nervously.

"I've just come from seeing her and she looks just as excited as you are" Freen smiled as Char gave her another grin.

"I should get some sleep...big day tomorrow" Char chirped nervously as she headed towards her room pushing Becky lightly as Becky reached out and gripped her friend.

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