Chapter 22

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"You can't work on your birthday that's just stupid" Char groaned on the other end of the phone as Becky rolled her eyes as she walked from the underground to Ruby's.

"Babe I'm thirty there's not much to celebrate except my days are numbered before I find a grey hair" Becky replied racking her fingers through her highlighted hair as she became paranoid.

"You are missing my point we could be celebrating you joining the rest of us finally" Char replied as she heard muffled voices in the background.

"Listen Char as intriguing as the conversation is Friend begged me to cover for a few hours tonight, your hen is in 3 days we can have a drink then, love you Char" Becky said as she walked to the entrance of work.

"Ughhhh boohoo you whore" Char mumbled.

"Where are you anyway" the Char asked.

"Just at Ruby's now. Looks quiet" Becky added as she made her way through the door suddenly the lights flickered on as "SURPRISE" echoed through her phone and around her.

Becky gasped as she held a tight grip on her phone as she stepped back looking at all the familiar faces around her including Char who was now in a fit of giggles pointing at her.

"Hang up the phone you twat" Char laughed into the phone before putting hers away and stepping towards Becky who was still standing by the door.

"Surprise birthday girl" Engfa chirped pushing past Char as she pulled Becky into a tight hug.

"What the fuck" Becky mumbled to Char as her fiancé squeezed Becky tightly and released her as the crowd smiled and shouted happy birthdays towards Becky.

"It wasn't just me" Char replied defensively as she kissed her best friend's cheek and pointed towards the bar where Friend winked and blew Becky a kiss.

"I hate the pair of you" Becky sulked as Char smacked Becky's ass pushing her towards the crowd of Becky's friends.


"Having a good time sweet thing" Friend handed Becky a fresh glass of vodka and coke as a few of Becky's old friends left the brunette with the older woman.

"You know I felt so bad when you rang me this morning saying you were vomiting and begging for me to come in" Becky huffed.

"Well, how else were we going to make it a surprise for you, thirty's a big milestone in your life babe. What better way to ring it in than with your mates and some hot babes in a bar" Friend smiled looking around her club. She really was proud of her club and Becky admired how dedicated Friend was in running her business.

"Hot babes aye" Becky questioned taking a sip of her drink as she glanced around the bar.

Blondes, brunettes, red heads you name it they were there. Although Becky knew quite a few people here there were still some random girls scattered around the club as it was an open night for customers.

"Don't look now but you're even being watched."

Friend said discreetly sipping her own drink as Becky's eye scanned the room.

"Who" Becky questioned.

"Left to the stage" Friend said casually looking over Becky's shoulder as Becky's head snapped around her eyes connecting with a guilty faced Freen who stood awkwardly next to Faye who was deep in conversation with a blonde middle-aged woman.

Becky snapped her body back around to face a confused Friend as Becky gulped back her drink.

"Trouble in paradise" Friend asked keeping an eye on Freen whose eyes pleaded for Becky to turn back around.

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