Chapter Eight~

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You wake up in the morning next to your cat (or dog), sighing heavily remembering the weird siren you came across yesterday. You close your eyes, trying to calm down your heart rate before hearing a loud bang from downstairs. You groan before getting up and walking downstairs to find sun covered in milk and cereal from top to bottom. "Lord, what the fuck sun!" You cross your arms and look over at Moon who was chewing on what looked like to be some random kid's arm. "Where did you get that?!!" You walk over to Moon before gagging, "hmm, want some~" You slap moon as the two of you got into an argument about the arm and how he needs to ask me to just go to the store and get some meat from there.

Later in the day you were in your art studio drawing the siren you saw yesterday. You start by sketching out their body shape, four eyes that were a deep bland orange, crimson spots on their face and sun rays that were ripped. You shade it in before sketching out different times you saw them. You sigh deeply, putting down your pencil before looking over at Sun and Moon threw the crack of your door, the two of them were cuddling and sleeping peacefully with each other. You stood up before leaving the room and sneaking past them to the kitchen and to the door. You open it quietly as you put on your shoes and walk outside, slowly closing the door behind you. You walk over to the beach and to the loading deck as you take off your shoes and hide them between two pillars, before walking towards the edge of the deck. You look out into the ocean before looking down to see a chain around your foot, before you could even reach something pulled you into the water knocking some air out of you making you put your hand over your mouth. You looked around but everything was a bit too dark for you to see what was going on before you lost air and passed out.

You awake to the sound of bones hitting the rocks, your sense's came back quickly as you cough out some water along with a little bit of blood. You sit up slowly to see the wired siren from yesterday over at the shore, you watch them tearing apart some fish before eating them. You hear the sound of their claws against the stone before you stood up to see them staring right at you. You took a closer look at them as you soon start to notice that this siren has four arms, you stand there in awe before they slide back into the water and swim away. "Wait!" you try to follow after them before it hits you were no longer on the island, you were in the middle of the damn ocean with no way of getting back unless if Sun or Moon sniffed you out or if this weird siren took you back to the island. And to make things worse you were stuck on a small island with no food or clean water and if that wasn't already bad there were bones all around the island. You sit down on a small rock near the shore line as you look deep into the water slowly getting lost in your thoughts, you quickly snap back to reality as you saw them nibbling playfully on your leg before they frowned. "You're such a boring human, I thought you would be fun...well I guess there's no reason to have you around anymore..." you tilt your head confused by what they meant before you quickly caught on. They pull back before jumping on you, pinning you down to the ground before they sink their teeth into your side. You scream out in pain as you kick them in the chest and tail trying to get them off of you only to have them sink their teeth into your side deeper than Moon does. You could feel your warm thick blood drip down your side as you bit your lip trying not to cry. This was it, you were going to die on a island in the middle of nowhere and Sun and Moon wouldn't even know, you were starting to give up before you punched them in the face and then kicked them right afterwards making them get off of you and giving you enough time to get onto of a big rock. You were breathing heavily and bleeding pretty bad, you tore your shirt up and used it to add pressure before tearing off another piece and using that to tie it there tightly....

You awoke in a cold sweat, sitting up in your bed to find yourself back in your room. Was it all a dream? Or did he somehow been stalking you this entire time. You put your feet on the floor before groaning in pain, you put your hand on your side before looking down at your hand, it was covered in blood. 

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