The Narrator X Reader (romantic Au): At Sea

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Requested by Monique Star


you had gone boating
it was a nice clear day
you decide to sing
your singing is heard by a merman
he gets closer
you don't notice at first
you then hear and see a tail in the water
you don't really think much of it
you were at sea after all
then the merman props himself on the side of the boat
"you sing beautifully" he says
this startles you
"who are you?" you ask
"oh. you can call me narrator" he says
from that point on it became a daily thing of you singing on your boat and the narrator coming and listening
eventually you began to actually talk to each other and enjoy each other's company
you both started to fall for each other
what you didn't know is the narrator thought you were a mermaid
that you had just moved to dry land
it made sense due to merpeople being able to have legs when their tail dries
one day he asks if you'd like to join him in the deeper water
you decide to join him
you both want to be around him and you don't know how he'll react if you say no
you join him in the water
the narrator is so excited to have you with him he hadn't realized that you didn't have a tail
it takes a while before you're struggling to breath
he's swimming around when he looks at you
he now sees you don't have a tail and are struggling to breath
he swims over to you quickly
he takes you back to your boat
he had gotten you before you had passed out
you were sitting there catching your breath
he's now on your boat
he looks human and is wearing some swim shorts
he's quite shy about the whole ordeal
"i-i almost lost you, why hadn't you told me you were completely human?" he asks you
"i didn't know you thought i was a merperson" you explain having now caught your breath
"i don't really know why you thought that" you say
he then blushes
"you just look and sound so lovely, that i had thought you had to be a mermaid" he explains
you then get a bit upset
"well, i'm not a mermaid. if you'd rather stop seeing me i'd understand" you say sadly
"though i would miss you" you say
he kneels down and takes your hands and looked you in the eyes
"i don't want to stop seeing you, quite the opposite. i'm more then willing to be human for however long to be with you" he says
he then holds you to his chest as you look at the sky
he chuckles
"to be honest, i'm quite enjoying being human" he says as he continues to hold you close as you look as the clouds pass by in the sky

A/N: have a good day/night bye <3

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