The Narrator X Reader (romantic)

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this was requested by Monique Star on Ao3


the narrator was working hard on his new story

a bit to hard

he wasn't getting much sleep

he didn't want to really do anything until he finished his story

"Narry, please come to bed" you asked him for the tenth time

"i can't, i have to finish my story." he said and kissed you

"you get some sleep though" he said and started going back to writing his story

you sighed knowing he wouldn't budge

"fine. good night" you said and went to bed

the story the narrator was working on was of a man turned into a monster

he was cursed

he was chasing his lover

he had no control of what he was doing

he was right at the end about to give it an ending when he fell asleep

after a while you wake up to the sound of crashing

you jump awake

you realize the noise came from the narrator's office

you sleepily walk over to his office and open the door

your eyes widen

he was there

you knew it was him but he was now a beast

he was crashing into things and just breaking things

you snuck past him and graded what he was working on

it might either help figure out why he's like this

but even if not the narrator had been working on it for a long time so you weren't going to leave it to be destroyed

you graded it and started to sneak past him again

but this time he saw you

you started running as he chased you

you hid in a closet

you were going to look at the story the narrator was writing but it was to dark

you waited a bit to make sure he wasn't there

you went into your bedroom

you decided against turning on the lights and instead grabbed the flashlight from the drawer

you had this in case the lights cut out then you could see

but you were now using it to hid from your husband who was a monster at the moment

no one could say your life was boring


you turned the light on and started to read his story

you skimmed through it because you didn't know how much time you had

you realized he was like the beast in his story and you his lover

in this case at least

you heard the narrator knocking things over in the kitchen

you knew what to do now

you didn't really like the idea but you knew it would work


you got up and started walking to the kitchen

there was the narrator ransacking the fridge or at least trying to

he was to big to be able to grab anything

you snickered at this

this caught the narrator's attention

you started to run

the narrator followed closely after

you eventually came to a stop by a wall

no, you can't just run, that won't help. you thought to yourself

you took a deep breath and turned around

there was the narrator

he rammed you into the wall

you passed out

the ceiling started to fall down

you were right about your plan

he was in control again and covered you from the debris

you woke up a while later

the narrator was still in the same form

he was very panicky about you being passed out like you were

he was curled up laying next to you waiting for you to wake up

now that you had he calmed down and was back to normal

he hugged you tightly

you hugged back

"i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry" he said to you

"don't be. you didn't mean to" you said

the narrator fixed the house and was clinging to you for the rest of the day

it was back to normal

or what was normal for you

your life was not normal

but you loved it

A/N: i hope you liked it

have a good day/night bye <3

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