The Narrator X Reader (romantic)

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requested by Monique Star on Ao3


you were going about the parable like normal when the narrator had stopped in the middle of him narrating you

you didn't know what was going on

it worried you that he had just stopped

you decided to go see him

he had shown you where is office was before

he thought if anything happened then you could go get him

whatever it was

so you went to his office to see what was going on

you hadn't actually been in it

once you got to his office you were going to just walk in to his office

you stopped before you did

what if he was doing something?

maybe his mic messed up and he's trying to fix it or something like that

you then knock on the door

there's no answer

"Narrator?" you waited a bit for an answer

once again no answer

"I'm coming in" you say opening the door slowly

once you open it all the way you see he's asleep in his chair

he looked so peaceful

you then walk in and close the door behind you

his office was dark with only his monitors bringing light into the room

you saw there was another door

out of curiosity you open it

it lead to a short little hallway

it only had two other doors

one to the right and the other on the left

was this his house?

was it a house?

doesn't matter

he must have his own room


so you go to the door on the left and open it

it's a bathroom

and then the right

a bedroom

it looked like it hadn't been touched in a long time

the bed was made and there was dust collecting on the surfaces

yep, this is his room

the narrator hadn't taken any time away from narrating since you've met him

this means he hasn't slept or eaten this whole time

you didn't really think anything of it at first but you now see he should be doing those things

even you had to eat and sleep and things after a while

it just took longer then it should for you to have to do anything like that

though it seems the narrator is the same way

he may just have it take even longer

actually he may just put it off till he can't anymore

like now

you didn't know

and it didn't matter at the moment

you needed to get him in his bed

so you leave the door open to his room and go back to his office

he's still asleep

hasn't even moved

you then go to figure out how you're going to get him to his bed

you sigh heavily knowing this'll be hard

you then try to lift him up

you succeed

though he's very heavy

you're struggling to say the least

you slowly and painfully drag him to his bed

you lay him down and cover him with his blanket

you smile at him as he sleeps peacefully

he looked adorable laying there

you then start to walk away

you're then pulled back onto the bed

the narrator had grabbed you and brought you into the bed with him

he was hugging you tightly

you blush bright red

you were not expecting this for sure

you go to get up and the narrator grumbles and pulls you in and hugs you tighter

this somehow make you blush more

you sigh

this was now your fate might as well except it

you had no clue how you're going to explain this to him when he wakes up but that doesn't matter

you were actually quite tired

you fell asleep

you both slept peacefully

it was probably the best sleep either of you ever had

it was wonderful

A/N: i hope you liked it

i found the idea adorable

i couldn't possibly pass it up

have a good day/night bye <3

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