The Narrator X Reader (romantic): Documents

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Requested by Monique Star


you and the narrator had a fight
the narrator had already calmed down
though you hadn't
you just wanted to forget about the fight
now YOU couldn't
but you could have the narrator forget
you'd done this before
you'd go into the documents out from your journal and take out whatever you didn't want there
you felt bad about it of course
though you've done it before and what's the difference now?
though, this time stanley caught you in the act
you heard the door creak and turn around to see stanley
*what are you doing reader?* he asked though he already had a pretty good idea of what you were doing
you know you can't lie about it
so you tell him
*you shouldn't be doing this. fights happen and the narrator still loves you.* he says
you shake your head and sigh
"but all of my flaws, all that i hate about myself comes out in those fights, i don't want the narrator to see me like that" you respond
stanley knows he can't stop you
so he lets you do it
though he still plans to tell the narrator after
he deserves to know about this
he leaves you alone
after your done you go back to your room
you hate doing it though you hate the thought of the narrator being upset at you more
back with stanley
he's about to go tell the narrator about what's happened
or what's been happening
then the line stops him
they get him to follow them to a trash bin
stanley is obviously confused
then the line jumps in the bin
when they come out they have some documents both good and bad
stanley's shocked
you didn't just get rid of the bad but the good too
he and the line then go to find the narrator
he's just about to check on you when they get to him
"what's wrong?" he asks the two
they then tell him what they know
he's surprised to say the least
he thanks them taking the documents from them
he then enters your room
"reader?" he says
you're on your bed
he sits on the end of the bed
"why did you take out pages from your journal?" he asks
you didn't expect him to find out
you hesitate at first though he persists
you sigh and explain
you explain how you didn't want him to feel obligated to like you
you also explain how it took you longer to cool down from your fight
you're upset just talking about it
you feel bad about how you approached the problem
he sees your upset about it
he gets closer to you now sitting next to you on the bed
"i'm with you because i want to be, not out of obligation." he explains as he takes your hand and looks you in the eyes
"i'm with you because i love you" he says
you feel much better about the whole thing
it's helped you calm down too
with this moment another page is added to your dilemma

A/N: i hope i did it right, if not then correct me where i'm wrong
anyhoo, have a good day/night bye <3

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