Chapter 14

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It was the middle of the morning now, and Y/N and Aether were preparing to head out. This time, it was for something different. Sadly, their time in Inazuma has ended for now. They decided to head back to Liyue and plan their trip to the next nation. They discussed details with Beidou earlier for the trip back. Right now, they were just packing up.

While they were packing, many of their friends from Inazuma came to see them to wish them farewell.

Y/N was all done with his packing and was able to focus on his friends now. "Thank you all for the time here. It was great to be back home. This place is slowly turning back to the way I once knew it." He bows to all of them politely.

Ayaka smiles brightly and waved off the notion of his bow. "We should be thanking you, not the other way around. You've done plenty for us. Come visit us again sometime. It would be great to see you."

Thoma nods eagerly. "Yeah! Besides, there's a few festivals coming up so it could be fun for you both to join in!" He knew that the upcoming festivals were going to be even better now that peace was restored.

Y/N chuckles and made note of that. "I'll keep that in mind. We need to talk to a few people back in Liyue and see where we want to go next. If time allows, I would love to be back here for that. I'm sure Aether feels the same." He glances over to his partner to see how he felt.

Aether stopped his packing and nods. "Of course, getting to relax is always a great thing. I'm interested to see what you all have planned here. Breaks are important for us."

Yoimiya was practically bursting with energy and excitement for the festival. "Ooh, I can't wait! You really better not miss it, you two! I'm going to have the best fireworks ever for it!" She was already going over which kind she wanted to have made for the festival.

While they were talking, another group of friends came over to see them.

"Hello, everyone. How are you all? We heard of Y/N and Aether's departure from Inazuma and came to see them off." This was none other than Kokomi.

Along with her was Gorou and a few soldiers who accompanied them.

"I'm happy to see you before we leave, Koko. Thankfully things have been getting better and the tension between Watatsumi Island and Narukami Island has eased. I'll make sure to come visit soon." Y/N hoped that some sort of treaty could be met between the island's to make the peace official.

"We will never forget your support for our soldiers! You two were vital to us making it this far. We will forever be in your debt." Gorou hoped that there was something he could do for them, even if it was small. He would be there whenever he was needed for them.

Y/N and Aether give their regards to the soldiers of Watatsumi Island and were about to leave, but there was another group of people who came by.

This time it was Sara, Yae Miko, and Ei.

Y/N noticed them come over and held a hand up for those from Watatsumi Island to be at ease. "I'm guessing you all heard of our departure, yes?"

Sara nods. "Of course we did. I had to come see you off. Lady Guuji and The Almighty Shogun came with me when I saw them earlier. It was amazing to see you again, Y/N. I hope we can talk more at another time. You still made a promise to me that you should keep." She teased.

Y/N knew what she was talking about and had no intention on breaking it. "I remember, don't worry. I told you I would preen your wings. We'll be back one day. Hopefully in time for the upcoming festival."

Yae Miko had her interest piqued. "Oh? So you made such a promise to her? And what if I asked you to brush my tails, hm?" She smirks.

Y/N wasn't surprised that Miko would do one of her antics at a time like this and found it amusing as usual. "The only way I'll do that is if you actually show me your tails. Do that for me and I'll gladly take care of them, vixen." He honestly couldn't remember the last time he saw them. It had to have been hundreds of years ago.

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