Y/N Bio

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After some thought, I thought it was best to make this a male reader insert. The main reason for that was just because there's not really that much from what I see. Most of the time it's usually a female reader insert. Occasionally there's some gender neutral inserts, but that's still somewhat uncommon. Hopefully you all are okay with this decision!

Name: Y/N L/N (Your Name & Last Name; but if you prefer to use a different last name to blend in with the world, then it can be 'Yin' since that was the last name I had for the OC that was planned)

Age: 500

Height: 6'1 (I was debating on making him shorter since I'm sadly short, but I know most prefer to be taller)

Vision: Electro

Occupation: Adventurer & Mercenary (Pay him well and he'll do what others ask as long as it's not bringing harm to innocents)

Heritage: Khaenri'ahn

Residence: Travels between nations often, no real home right now

Personality: Usually kind, polite, and compassionate to others, unless they show they aren't worth his time. When fighting, he can be ruthless and aggressive if it's needed.

Romantic Interest: Harem (As voted on by you all)

Backstory: Y/N was an anomaly among people due to his strange upbringing. His parents were both Khaenri'ahns and ended up getting the curse of immortality. During that time, his mother was still pregnant with him. When he was born, he still had the immortality placed on him like others, however, he was able to live normally without any erosion of any kind. Y/N never suffered from a declining mental state or declining physical state. To him, this was all normal because he never knew what it was like to not live like this. His parents raised him as best as they could while they were still sane, but it was only a matter of time before it went wrong. His mother and father were losing their grip on their sanity years after the cataclysm and because of the apparent erosion they suffered from. The two of them seemingly finally snapped and wandered off into the world, forced to live without any possible end.

Y/N only watched as the two of them walked off to who knows where. He didn't stop them, nor could he even do anything to help. All he could do was hope for the best for them. At that time, Y/N decided to do some traveling. He was living in a very secluded area in Sumeru, which is where his parents raised him, but never saw the city. That was where he went first to explore. Afterwards, Liyue and Mondstadt were the next places he visited. Following that was Fontaine, then Natlan and Snezhnaya. He spent around 4 months in each nation. After those visits, Y/N went to Inazuma, where he felt like he blended in well. He stayed there for a while, getting a feel for how nice the place was. That stay turned into weeks, then months, and finally years; Hundreds of years, to be exact. During those hundreds of years, he picked up a few things. Fighting was something he was interested in, which led to his next decision. Y/N picked up how to fight from the shogun army. He trained there with other soldiers and soon enlisted in the ranks. He was a prodigy in fighting, quickly rising through the ranks to becoming a general.

He learned plenty from training with all the soldiers. In just a matter of time, he became one of the best. The soldiers and the people of Inazuma respected him and admired him. With how quickly he rose through the ranks and became a general, it naturally got the attention of the Raiden Shogun. Y/N had a few conversations with her from time to time, ranging from stuff like talks of training and updates on Inazuma, to what he usually did during free times. Unlike other Khaenri'ahns, he respected the Gods and had nothing against them, unless they gave him a reason not to. With the Raiden Shogun's attention, it only followed that Yae Miko also had some talks with Y/N. Those talks were more on the lighthearted side with topics like how they're both doing, hobbies they had, upcoming festivals, etc. Inazuma was great to live in. It all seemed perfect from the looks of it and it was nice place to live in forever. That all sadly changed though. When the vision hunt decree became a thing, Y/N was immediately against it. Sadly, the Shogun didn't listen to anyone at all. Thankfully, the boarders were still open at the time and he used this opportunity to leave right after giving up his position as a general.

Ever since then, Y/N went back to traveling between the other nations to expand his knowledge and strength. He was well informed about basically anywhere. During his travels, he attracted the attention of other Gods too when they noticed and how he was different. Of course, he befriended them and got to know the archons well. This also included the Tsaritsa, who has tried multiple times to recruit him into the Fatui as a harbinger, but he keeps declining because he feels he doesn't have a reason to join.

So sorry if that's a lot to read, but hopefully this all caught your attention in some way! If there's any feedback at all you have, let me know!

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