Chapter 12

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Y/N had no reason to hide his identity anymore in front of the real Shogun. It seemed like she actually recognized him after all this time. He assumed she would've forgotten him since she was locked up inside of the Plane of Euthymia. "Yes, that's me. I'm surprised you remember, Almighty Shogun. I recently came back to Inazuma. Talk about that can wait, though. I'm more focused on talking about what's happening out there in the real world." He didn't want to have to fight the Shogun again, but he would do it if he needed to so they could make a change.

Aether stepped forward next. "This is the first time we meet, Shogun. My name is Aether, just know that I'm a friend of Y/N. We need to tell you what's happening out there in your nation. The Fatui are deceiving the puppet you created." He stated bluntly.

Ei raised an eyebrow, not shocked by the information she heard. "Oh? Surely you didn't rouse me from my state of eternal meditation only to tell me this? If so, then you underestimate me. I am quite well-informed about the Vision Hunt Decree." She thought talking about this was pointless. She knew everything she needed to.

Y/N narrows his eyes at Ei after hearing how she brushed off what Aether said. "You already know about everything going on outside?" He was just a little upset about that if that was the case. It just meant she didn't care, unless she wasn't aware of certain things.

Ei shakes her head. "Not so. Only everything that pertains to eternity. The Vision Hunt Decree has my tacit approval. The Fatui's actions thus far do not constitute a threat to eternity, otherwise... they would have been purged long ago." No one would harm her Inazuma as long as she's around.

"The vision hunt decree is damaging and it comes at a great cost to the people here in Inazuma. Is that really worth it to you?" Y/N could only wonder why she believed all this was necessary in her eyes.

Ei sighs. "Individual ambition is inherently incompatible with eternity. What you might not realize is that all too often... people have far more to lose by chasing their dreams. Consider this — no one will lose their life on account of having their Vision taken away... Rather, those who have lost their lives are the ones who insisted on pursuing their own aspirations, are they not?" She proposed her ideals to the two in hopes that they might see it her way.

Y/N was still against her ideals, just like he was back then. "Shogun, this isn't right. Taking away visions may not directly kill people, but it makes them lose everything about themselves. I've seen some lose their memories, some lose their sanity, and others lose the ambition to do anything. Is that really something you want? You must see it from the eyes of the people." He felt like he was getting nowhere with talking to her. Maybe the only way to get their way was to settle it in a proper duel.

Aether clenched his fist. "Teppei..." He mumbles under his breath, which Y/N heard easily, making him place a hand on his shoulder. Teppei was someone who lost his life because of the vision hunt decree...

Ei shares a look between Y/N and Aether, analyzing both carefully. "Y/N, Aether, your existence is unique in my eyes. There seems to be limitless uncertainty in both of you. To put it another way, you two are the furthest thing from eternity. So I won't insist that you comprehend the meaning of my actions. What matters is that I tread the path of eternity on my people's behalf." She felt like she would've been able to fight against anyone else, but against Y/N, it felt complicated. He helped her out plenty over the past few hundred years and was there for her in times of need.

Y/N truly had no choice left anymore it seemed. "This is your Plane of Euthymia... It is created by your consciousness, yes?"

Ei nods. "That's right. I'm surprised you understand it so well... Anyway. You're looking for a chance to shake my will... aren't you?" She asks.

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