Chapter 8

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After a relatively brief boat ride, the trio and Teppei arrive on Watatsumi Island. The entire island was a safe house for the resistance soldiers or those who wanted to get away from the shogunate. Teppei showed them around the island and told them a bit about what was going on. The meeting time with Kokomi was approaching soon, so they went to where they agreed to meet.

Upon arriving, they saw Kokomi talking with another soldier, who was named Ookubo Daisuke. From the sounds of it, it was talks about supplies.

"Food supplies are the absolute top priority, period. We cannot afford any losses. With the conflict between us and the Shogun's Army getting more intense by the day, we must prioritize the stability of the rearguard." Kokomi stated, showing her impressive leadership skills.

"Understood. I will think of a way..." Replied Ookubo Daisuke.

Kokomi shook her head and held a hand up to stop the soldier. "Take heart. We have a fresh batch of supplies in hand, and I'm working on expanding the army. I understand that the lack of manpower has been hard on all of you. But things are going to get better." She reassured.

Ookubo Daisuke was surprised by the news, but quickly welcomed it. "We're expanding the army? Oh, that's great. Whoever this mystery supporter is, they're doing us a great service..." He says with a smile. His attention turned towards Teppei once he saw him coming over. "Huh? Teppei? What are you doing back on Watatsumi Island? And who are these people with you?" He asked.

Teppei held a hand out towards Aether, Paimon, and Y/N to introduce them. "VIP guests of Her Excellency, that's who. I'm acting under orders to escort them all here."

Ookubo Daisuke perked up instantly once he heard that. "Oh really? Wait, so are you two the new recruits everyone's been talking about? Strength of twenty men, splits an arrow in twain from a hundred paces, skin as hard as diamond... That's you two?"

Y/N and Aether laughed after hearing rumors such as that. At least the people here are getting a morale boost from just them being here. The soldiers needed everything they could get.

"I wouldn't go as far as to say all that. But yes, we're the recruits you have heard about. A pleasure to meet you. My name is Y/N." The former general stated, followed by a polite bow.

Aether went next to introduce himself. "My name is Aether, nice to meet you. Those rumors may be a little overblown, but we'll do all we can." He motioned over to his floating companion by his side. "This is my partner. Her name is Paimon." Which led to her giving a small wave.

Ookubo Daisuke bows at the three of them. "Nice to meet you all, too. I know you all must be tired from the journey, so feel free to rest. If you need anything, come find me. I'll take my leave now, your excellency." He did one more bow aimed at Kokomi, then went off to do his other duties.

Y/N focused back on the topic at hand now. There was something that caught his attention that Kokomi said a moment ago. "Based on what you just said, it sounds like there's a third party supporting your army, correct?" He felt suspicious about that. Something didn't feel right to him.

Kokomi nods in response. "Not long ago, someone wrote to me saying that they wished to support the Watatsumi Island resistance effort. To that end, they also furnished us with a great deal of supplies. Thanks to them, we can finally start recruiting troops on the scale we need to openly confront the Shogun's Army on the front line." She was clearly happy about the support she was getting. It helped take a weight off of her shoulders, after all.

Aether thought it sounded like a good idea too. "That's great to hear. That means we should have a better chance at fighting back."

Paimon, of course, agreed with her companion. "Yeah! Paimon thinks we'll have a good chance the next time we face the shogun army!"

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