Chapter 9

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Y/N had no idea what to even expect. He knew that Yae Miko had plenty of knowledge about the Shogun, but it wasn't often that Miko got involved in fights. She usually only ever got involved if it was personal to her.

"Anti-Raiden Shogun Training? What exactly would I be doing? Will that really even help?" He asks, unsure of the effects it would have. Plus, how would Aether adapt to it too?

Yae Miko, of course, kept a smile on her face, along with her carefree expression. "Of course it will work, as long as you take the training seriously. Have some faith in me, dear one."

Y/N didn't really have any better options at this moment. It was probably the best to just accept the offer. "I guess there's nothing else I can do right now. Any help would be appreciated to fight the Shogun." He wasn't sure how long this would take, but hopefully he could learn fast. "Thank you for helping, vixen. I truly do owe you a lot." He bows at her in a respectful manner.

Before Miko could get another word in, the door to the room opened and Paimon came in. She looked to be in a good mood now. "Aether just woke up, Paimon thought it would be best to come tell you two immediately." She informed, before flying back to the room the traveler was in.

Y/N and Miko followed after her to go check up on Aether. The blonde was still taking time to adjust to his surroundings and seemed to be confused.

"Easy now, breathe. Don't push yourself too hard." Y/N says softly, kneeling down next to his companion to check up on him.

Aether recognized the voice and stared up where it came from, only to see familiar star-shaped pupils. "Y/N...? What happened? Where am I?" He asks, slowly gaining his bearings back.

"You passed out from some gas you inhaled. The gas fed off of your anger, which you had plenty of after the encounter with the Balladeer. That's taken care of right now so don't worry. I got you to safety after that. You're currently inside of the Grand Narukami Shrine. A good friend of mine helped us out." The samurai explained concisely.

Yae Miko stepped in closer to make his presence known. "So you're the renowned traveler, yes? I have heard so much about you. I must say, I'm even more impressed by you after seeing you." She brought a hand up to her lips and chuckles.

Aether took a second to process everything. He calmed down, knowing that there wasn't any danger. "I see... I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't think I would be so upset. But after everything he said about Teppei..." He got choked up a little bit, stopping what he was going to say.

Y/N could understand where Aether was coming from. It's not like anyone could blame him. "Don't apologize, it's not your fault. He was trying to antagonize you the entire time so the gas would work. All this proves is that you're a very caring person."

Aether felt better after hearing that from Y/N. Though, he was confused by one thing. "How did we escape from that place? What happened after I passed out?" He asks curiously.

Miko felt that this was her thing to explain. "After you passed out, I came in to discuss some things. After making a deal with that harbinger, we got to leave without issues. All I had to do was give him a chess piece that Ei gave me years ago."

That caught Aether's attention immediately, causing him to shoot up from the bed. "Do you mean a gnosis? Is that what you gave him?"

Miko thought about it for a second to remember if that was the name. "Ah, yes. That's what it was called. All I had to do was hand him the gnosis and he left you all alone." She replied.

Aether was conflicted about the whole deal. He wanted to stop the Fatui, but it wasn't something that he felt too involved in because he just wanted to find his sister and find a way to leave. "Well, if Y/N approved of it, I'll go along with it. I know he has a good sense of when to do things."

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