Chapter 5

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(This chapter is a bit long)

Here we are the bonfire party which i clearly didn't add to list. My tired ass need to get to bed as soon as possible or i am gonna sleep here which will be embarrassing. "Here we are Jude" says Lilly and everyone's head turned to my direction. "Wait.. i know them." I said in my head. I scanned my eyes through the people and the first person i notice was the guy from earlier. I was looking at him he was looking at him. I don't know why i am looking at him but i really left him on cliff hang some minutes ago.

I was sitting on a trunk which was kept there. There were 3 trunks in total. I was dragged here by Lilly. She said she wants to meet her childhood bestfriend named 'Nicholas Mateo' i have never heard anyone's name as Mateo. So here i am sitting with the unknown peoples while Zoe and that Nicholas guy is searching for Jude. After 5mins they are here. They left with two guys. One is always trying to make a conversation so it won't be awkward and the other is smoking holding a 'racer' jacket on his forearms.

Me and Zoe is sitting together because we don't know any of them. "So.. you guys are wondering who am i. Let me tell you. I am Lilly Collen, childhood friend of this guy Nicholas Mateo." She says while standing and smiling with her hands clasped together. And that Nicholas was smiling too. "Ooh why didn't we know about that friend of yours Lilly? U never talked." Says Zoe questioning her. "I mean you guys never asked." She said not giving a fuck. "So u three are a group of friends like us. Isn't it?" I asked but my eyes were only looking towards his eyes. I don't know why. "I'm surprisingly silent today but let's change that." That freckled green eye guy said standing suddenly and walking towards me and zoe. "So what's yall names?" He raised his eyebrows, one arm forward other arm holding a can of beer. I stand up and said looking straight into his eyes. "I am Jude. Jude Carter" I smiled just a little so I don't look mean nor rude and Why is his face damn red or is it just the lighting. "And yo-u?" He asked asking Zoe. "I am Zoe James! Nice to meet you." She said standing like me smiling cheeks to cheeks. "Nice to meet you Zoe and...Jude" he looked at me still flustered. I slightly smiled at him again because i don't wanna be rude. Man why do I always think I would look rude? We went back to drinking and everyone became friends so fast except Jay. "Guyssss let me justt.... go to thee bathrooommm~" said drunken Zoe . "But..." she pauses "where is the bathroom?" "Oh my god Zoe you are so drunk." Says Lilly catching her. "Nicholas would u mind if u show Zoe the washroom? because i don't know where it is." "Yeh why not but you still need to give me my treat" he said winking and took Zoe's arm so she wouldn't fall but instead Zoe suddenly put both her arms on Nicholas's shoulder, looking in his eyes. "You mateo's son." She pointed a finger at him. From the look of Nicholas's face i could he see he was in clear shock. "Can you pick me up please? I am too lazy to walk" says zoe whining. "ZOE! He can't pick you up!" Lilly whispers but loud. "WHY NOTT?" She whispered but it was loud. "Its fine. I'll pick her up. Do you think i can't huh?" He scoffed and continued "Gurl i lift weights and she is not even my warmup weight from her looks." He says moving his hands under the thighs of zoe's leg and raising her in his arms. "Damn your hands is so cold." Says Zoe.

I have been noticing Nick's friend. I don't why but my eyes staring at her but my mind is not. I don't know what I'm saying but yeah.

(His friends call Nicholas as Nick.)

I am getting bored here and there is Joshua who keeps trying to make conversation with Jude while she sitting holding the beer not interested. Now Zoe and Nicholas is gone, i am here sitting next to Lilly. "So..You are Jay right?" She asks me suddenly. "Uhm yes i am Jay." "Cool. Uhm u want a refill? For beer?" She asks me because we are awkward sitting there together. "Yeah sure." I moved closer to her so she can pour the beer in my glass and i looked her to see if she is

"If you are uncomfortable with me being close you can tell so. Ok?" I said so i am sure. "No no no i am not uncomfortable" she laughs. "Oh okey" i laughed slightly. she poured me a glass. "You got a pretty smile." She says looking the glass she is holding and to me when she knew i was staring. I was shocked to receive a compliment. I don't get compliments often. I am sure that i blushed. I rather not blush but I'm damn sure I did. Hell no. "Uhm uhm t-thanks. You got pretty smile too" i said nervously. She chuckled hearing my statement. "I hear that alot"

We have been talking for 10mins and damn. Her smile is ughhh. And her eyes sparks when she talks about books and animals. Yeah she was the one talking and i am just listening. Oh no. This is going to be brutal. This is my first time thinking i have fallen for somebody. No way. Damn my eyes are not in control now. She looks gorgeous. Fuck no. Jay you can't be delusional. Man is this what they say love at first sight? Jay! Keep up your mind.

"Uhm..what is your phone number? You are so fun to talk to. So may i?" She asks me still maintaining eye contact. Damn she knows every trick for making a man on his knees. Tf you talking about Jay. Nah i can't..shut up. My heart is beating so fast right now i can't even explain.
"Uhm jay?"
"Oh yehah uhm yeh u can"
she was confused i could say.
"Yeh tell me."
"Your phone number" she laughs
"oh yeah sry. Its **********." Damn that was so fucking embarrassing.

This kid has been talking to me for hours telling his stories. Like bro i don't even know who you are. I need sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Fuck. I looked at him and he was talking about his dog. I mean i love dogs. So when he started talking about it i suddenly became interested.
"So you see my dog is so small. Its a puppy. A golden retriever.
"Yeh sure like you" That. I didn't intend to say and yet it came from my mouth.
"What did you say?" He asks me.
"Um nothing. Continue your story"
"okey I guess" i am pretty sure he heard it. I won't repeat my precious words for him. We exchanged number because he was pestering me.

Damn why is she taking so long in the washroom. Is she dead? Ugh I'm so bored waiting here. Should i go check? But its a ladies bathroom. Fuck lets do it. It was already 11 or something and nobody is in the beach other than us. So i twisted the door knob and entered the washroom to see her sleeping on the baby diaper changing table. "Wtf. The hell is she doing and I was WAITING FOR HER!?" He became to question his patience.
"Oh my. You are here too?" She says waking up and sitting there.
"Why are you shouting huh? I know how to shout too. You wanna hear it HUH?"
TF is her problem. No i can't be mad.
Okay be calm. Calm. Lets carry her.
"Okay butterfly. Lets go to our friends and have ride to our home? Okey? Please calm down and let me carry you. Got it?" And why the hell am i calling her butterfly? Leave it.

"Promise me that you won't shout at me again." She said holding her pinky finger out. We were close. I mean really close. I was about to pick her up thats why we were close until she held out her pinky.
"Are you a little child?" I asked confused.
"Promise or i won't budge" she pouts. Wtf is she doing. Yuck. She surely is sooo drunk.
"okay okay i promise i won't" i held her pinky with mine.
"Done? Lets go" I was gonna go but..
"No! Who's gonna seal it? "
"How do we seal pinky promises?" I was geniunely confused.
"Omg you soo cutee hehe" she chuckles. Girl wtf you on ugh.
"Let me show you how you seal a pinky promise"
She pulls my collar to her. So close. So closee. She is looking straight into my eyes. "Zoe no pinky promises let's go" I  said cringing.
But she still didn't let go of my collar. And shit.

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