Chapter 2

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It is a big apartment consisting total 3 rooms, a kitchen, a living room with a cozy big coach which can be also turned into a movie coach. When i entered the apartment there is a small hallways towards living room.

The walls of the hallway contains our college pictures, art, a wavy mirror and a shoe rack. After the hallway it is a big minimal living room with coach and a projector behind. The coach is on a fluffy carpet and beside the coach there is so many plants and an open area with huge windows on four side.

There is huge book shelf consisting so many books and there is a small cozy sofa which can swing. From the looks of it i am pretty sure it is Lilly's area. There are so many artistic things in here which is made my Zoe.
The rooms of them are completely different. Zoe's room is messy with vinyl hanging on the wall. There are fake veins and leds around the room.

On the other hand Lilly's room is so organized. Fairy lights and veins above her bed. A small book lamp beside the bed and a huge window with a little sun catchers taped.

I entered my room and kept all my things organized and i am decorating my room with leds and posters on my wall. I took my electric guitar and kept it beside my cozy chair. There was a balcony in my room. I picked up my phone to call my mom. "Hello?"
"Hello sweetheart. Did you reach safe and sound?"  "Yes i did mom but i actually lost one of my airpods and i can't find them." I said feeling nervous knowing she will say something. "JUDE! This is your 3rd Airpods. How can you lose it again. That's why i always tell you not to wear them. How bothersome!" She was lil bit angry maybe not a lil but i really didn't care about that. I am thinking about which job i should take from here.

After talking for 20mins i hang up and went to the kitchen which is highly designed. A counter top with 3 seats and plants and yellow lights hanging above. I sat on the chair as i watch Zoe making food and lilly as usual reading her fictional romance book.

"Zoe i'm hungry." My stomach grumbled and Zoe laughed at me. "Look Zoe. I haven't eaten anything on my way here i only had my mom's tteokbokki. (simmered rice cakes) and how dare you laugh at me" i bursts joking but Zoe and Lilly were trying so hard not to laugh. Their lips zipped together and cheeks bubbled.
"I am hungryyyy" i whined at Zoe.
"Gurl lemme put it on the plate. And i am MAKING food okay. The food won't come when i press a button. So, don't whine. You are still the same" she rolled her eyes, spatula pointing towards me and speaking dramatically.

"Anyways, so what is this?" I eyed the food and to Zoe. "Mhmm that is Beef bourguignon."  "Tf is that" i questioned her with a disgusted look. "Basically its like a uhm what can i say like uhmm a french beef stew braised in red wine." I took a bite and my eyes widened because of its taste. "Dayummmm. Zoe when did you become a chef?"  "Born a chef" she said prasing herself smiling not at me somewhere.

After few hours
"ZOE cmonn.. How long is this going to take!?" Said Lilly frustrated because Zoe is still styling her hair.
"GOD DAMN IT! I AM COMING. LEMME JUST-" she took her lipstick and ran towards us. "Here i am ready"  "Yeah you are. WE ARE 10MINS LATEEE." Lilly shouted and chuckled right after. "Yeh i don't give flying fuck if we are late" said zoe and lilly gave her a side eye. I chuckled at their behaviour as we go out to see the volleyball match held in the beach. Lilly said it is so fun to watch the match.

I hope you all are enjoying😭
This is my first story guys. Support me

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