First Night Together

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First part of the chapter the outfit is the same as in the last chapter, Outfit Of The Chapter ⬆️

Persephone Beaulieu's POV

As day turned to night, Graceland was bustling with people, Evlis friends, and their dates/girlfriends/wives.

Some of the men were in the room with the pool table playing multiple rounds. Evlsi played a round or two, keeping me close, claiming I was his "Good luck charm."

Some of the women were sitting on the floor by the fireplace, chatting about many different things, from the newest fashion trends to other celebrities.

Elvis and I are sitting on his beautiful white couch, him leaning back into the cushion, me leaning into him, his arm wrapped around my waist. I watch what is happening in the room, loving how lively the house is with all this company.

After a while, I blink a few times, the long trip finally taking its toll on me. But the first rule of traveling long distances is to beat jet lag. You can't sleep until it is nighttime where you are.

Elvis looks down at me, smiling slightly as he hees me, fighting off a yawn. " You tired?" He asks me, his arm tightening around my waist, pulling me closer to his toned chest.

I look up a thin as my head rests on his chest and nods my head. " A little bit." I say to him.

"Hmmm." Elvis hums, kissing my forehead, before loosening his grip on my waist. "Why don't you go head upstairs?" He says, sitting up, making me sit up as well. I look into his eyes, not wanting to leave him. " I'll meet you." He says as if reading my thoughts.

After hesitating for a moment, I finally nod, my tiredness. Elvis adjusts our bodies to angle us towards the stairs, holding his hand out, pointing in the direction for me to go. " It's just, uh, it's just the first door on your left. " He says, looking back down at me.

I nod, and Elvis leans in to kiss my lips softly before releasing me fully so I can stand up. As I walk towards the stairs, I pass the group sitting by the fireplace. I feel their eyes on me as they whisper.

I manage to catch some of what they are saying. "Wow, she's young, huh?" I hear one say. "She's like a little girl." She continues, causing the rest of the group to chuckle.

I walk, looking down at my feet. I know I'm young, but I'm not that young. I mean, gee. I'm 17, not 7.

I walk up the grand staircase. Gee, this house is certainly the most gorgeous house I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on, let alone step inside. I wonder what was going through Elvis's mind when he purchased Graceland.

I make it to the top floor, opening one of the double doors that Elvis told me, led to his bedroom. I enter the room and see a large king-size bed in the center of the room, blue curtains, a tiger statute, and so much more I can't even wrap my head around it.

A clock ticks somewhere in the room as I look around. I also hear the music from downstairs thumping through the floorboards.

I looked around his room until my eyes fell upon something that made my heart swell. True to the promise he made me the day I had gifted it to him, Elvis hung the picture I gave him for Christmas directly across from his bed.

I smile at the picture, remembering his reaction to it as clearly as if it had happened just yesterday.

I walk further into the room and notice one of my suitcases set on a little table. I walk over to it and open it, seeing that it is my suitcase that has my night dresses and a few sweaters in it. I pick up the night dress that is on top, holding it up.

It is a cute but modest night dress that is light pink, baby blue, and white once. It's perfect for tonight.

I turn to my right and notice an open door. I pick up my night dress and my little case with my makeup and perfumes before walking to the open door. I feel around the wall for a few seconds before finding a light switch, and flipping it on.

My instinct was right. It was the bathroom. I fully enter the room, closing the door behind me. I quickly changed out of my day dress and into my night dress. I take my hair out of style. I have had it in and let my loose curls fall down my back.

I brushed my hair out, making my hair curl in a specific way, so it looked cute instead of untamed. I hear the bedroom door open. "Don't let me sleep no later than 3:00 tomorrow." I hear Elvis's voice say to someone.

I get my perfume out of my bag. " You got it, boss." The person Elvis was talking to replied before I heard the door close. I spray some of my perfume on my wrist and dab it onto my neck.

I hear Elvis's footsteps in the room, and not soon after, I hear his voice call out to me. "Where are you, baby?" He asks.

I look myself over in the mirror. " I'm here. I'll be just a moment." I reply, straightening out my night dress.

"All right. Don't take too long. I wanna see my girl." He replies. I smile as I hear the springs on the bed squeak, meaning Elvis sat or lay on the bed.

I look myself over one more time, taking a deep breath before opening the bathroom door that separates Elvis and I.

Elvis was lying on the large bed propped up on an elbow. As the bathroom door opens, he looks over in my direction.

I smile, making my way to the foot of the bed, and crawling up to join him. his eyes following my every movement, until I lay next to him, my head propped up in my hand.

He rolls, so he is facing me, taking my hand that is not under my head in both of his. While my eyes never leave his face, he deeply studies our joint hands. "You don't know how much I missed you." He practically whispers to me. "I haven't been able to get you out of my head since Germany." He says slightly louder this time. "You're the only thing that kept me going." He whispers.

He looks into my eyes. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, as if we knew exactly what the other was thinking. At the same time, we both lean in, our lips connecting in the middle.

He releases my hand, and his hand travels, eventually finding its perch on my waist, pulling me closer to hum. We start moving in sync, our lips and bodies, until I am eventually on top of him.

After a moment of a very heated makeout, Elvis eventually pulls away. "Wait, hold on, Baby. things can get out of hand." He says, his hand had moved to my chest during the makeout, resting over my heart, feeling how fast it was beating.

I pull my forehead away from his slightly to get a better look at him. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask, worried I did something he didn't like.

Elvis shakes his head, looking up at me. "No. Baby, just... Just not yet." He says to me, bring his hand down to mine again. "There'll be a right time." He says, still looking into my eyes.

We sit in a content silence for a moment before he turns to his nightstand, grabbing a pill container off of it. He pops the cap off, grabs a couple of pills out of it, takes one for himself, and closes it again. He hands one over to me. " Here, you can take one of these. It'll help you sleep after your trip."

He sets the pill bottle back on the nightstand. Grabbing a glass of water, he drinks some before handing it out to me. I pop the pill in my mouth, taking the water to swallow it down.

He takes the glass back, returns it to the nightstand, and shifts in the bed so he is lying down. "Come here." He says, motioning me to join him. I do, paying my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arm around his waist, his going around my shoulders. I let him kiss the top of my head, letting out a sigh. He reaches over with one hand, turning out the bedroom lights

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