Saying Goodbye ... For Now

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Outfit of the chapter ⬆️

Persephone Beaulieu's POV

This is exactly what I feared would happen.

Much like before, the months passed us by with no warning.

Today is the day Elvis leaves Germany to return to the United States.

I woke up to my 7:30 AM alarm. Elvis is picking me up with his driver so I can come with him to the airport to say our final goodbyes at 9 AM.

I get up from my bed, my mood instantly sour by the fact that I have to say goodbye to the man I have fallen so hard and fast for.

I walk to the bathroom to shower. Luckily, because of the early hour, Percilla is still asleep. Over the last few months, the closer Elvis and I got, the further apart Priscilla and I grew. It's as though the closer I got with him, the more she resented me. It's not my fault, is it?

I showered and walked back to my room, putting on the dress I had picked out last night. Black, to match the sorrow I knew I would be feeling while having to say goodbye to him. I put my dress on and style my hair in an updo before doing my makeup and putting on my black flats.

I walk over to my mirror, glancing myself over. 'Well, at least my nice outfit does well at hiding the sorrows behind my eyes.' I think to myself.

I look over at the clock on my nightstand, which reads 8:40. 20 minutes before Elvis gets here.

I walk downstairs to see Daddy, as usual, drinking coffee and reading the paper, and Momma making breakfast. When they hear footsteps approaching, they both look in my direction. When they see it's me, they both give me a sad look.

I shake my head, signaling I don't wish to speak about it. I sit at my place at the table, and Momma sets a plate of eggs, toast, and a glass of milk in front of me, not saying a word.

I sit silently, eating my food and sipping my milk, until Pricilla comes running down the stairs in a good mood, only slowing when she looks at us, noticing the silence between us. "Gee, who died?" She asks.

I look up. glaring at her. I don't care if it's unladylike to glare. Could she be any more insensitive? Before I can speak up about her lack of empathy, Momma beats me to it. "Priscilla Ann! You know very well what today is. Be nice to your sister." She says.

Priscilla rolls her eyes, sitting in her spot. As she sits, I stand, taking my dishes to the sink.

I quickly washed them before hearing a honk out front, knowing it was time.

Momma walks over to me, giving me one last hug. "Is the driver bringing you back after the plane leaves, or does your father have to come to pick you up?" She asks.

I look up at her. "The driver is bringing me home after Elvis' plane takes off." I speak my first words of the day, my voice so soft you can nearly hear it.

She gives me a sad smile. "Okay, honey." She lets me go.

I grab my small bag that is by the door before exiting the house. Elvis' driver was outside the vehicle waiting for me so he could open the door. Once I'm closer, he opens the door for me. I give him a small smile. "Thank you." I say to him softly.

I get in the car, and the driver, Jeffrey, I think his name is, nods to me before closing the door. I look to my right, to see Elvis, in his uniform, jacket across his lap. He looks so handsome.

We ride most of the way in silence until we are nearly there. I know it's not gonna be easy going back to being a schoolgirl, Seph, but you got to." Elvis breaks the silence. I don't look at him, I just continue to look out the window, knowing if I look at him, I will start to cry. "Now, I want you to try to have a good time, and write me letters every chance you get." He says.

I look away from the window and down to my lap. "You get pink stationary and address them to Joe." He continues, knowing I'm listening. I let out a sad sigh. "And promise me you'll stay the way you are now?"

I finally look over at him with sad eyes. After a moment of silence, I reply. " I will." Is all I say. I look away from him and straight out the front window. We're getting closer. No, please, I haven't had enough time with him.

Elvis reaches down to his lap, picking up the jacket with his last name on it. I reached up to wipe a stray tear that began to run down my face. "I want you to have this." He says, handing me the military jacket.

I gently take it, clutching it to my chest as if my life depended on it. As if, if I were to release the jacket, all my memories of him would disappear.

After a moment, the car starts to pull up to the airport. "All right, baby, this is it." He says, I stare forward in disbelief. He looks at me, putting his hand on my thigh, prompting me to look back at him as well. "Now, don't worry. I'll call you as soon as I get there." He says to me, looking me directly in the eyes. "I promise."

The car comes to a rolling stop. "Now, I don't wanna see a sad face." He said, trying to cheer me up. I nod to him, turning the other way to wipe the remainder of my tears away.

As soon as the car comes to a complete stop, it is immediately surrounded by screaming Elvis Presley fans. Elvis clears his throat before opening his door, I follow suit, opening mine as well, and climb out of the car.

As soon as I exit the car, there is an armed guard behind me, following me to Elvis, to protect him from the screaming fans. Elvis led me to the front of the screaming women, taking my hand and looking me in the eyes one last time. "Bye, baby." He says to me before turning and walking away.

As he leaves, the group of women follow, trying to catch his attention. I stand on my tippy toes, trying to keep him in my line of sight, but what can I say, I'm short. I quickly lose sight of him in the crowd. "Elvis!" I yell, trying to catch his attention, to get him to turn to look at me, but to no avail.

Elvis's driver walks over to me, escorting me back to the car to drive me home. I nod, following him back to the car. Before getting in, I try to catch one more glance of Elvis, but I don't.

He's gone. And who knows when I'm going to see or talk to him again.

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