Elvis Meets the Beaulieu's

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Outfit of the chapter Same dress from the last chapter until the Time Skip

Persephone Beaulieu's POV

After Finishing up the dinner dishes, I turned around to see only Momma was left at the dinner table with a book in hand.

Momma is who I got my love of reading from. she always told me, "A good book is like a good relationship, Persephone. You have to feel a connection to the characters to truly enjoy it."

Momma looks up from her book, nodding over to the phone on the wall.

I walk over to it, dialing the phone number I already had memorized.

After a few rings, a gruff, yet familiar voice picked up on the other end. "Hello?"

I cleared my throat. "Elvis? It's Persephone." I say into the receiver.

I hear a shuffling before a voice speaks back to me. " Hey, baby. what's goin' on?' He says, a slightly worried tone to his voice.

I look to Momma, who is looking back at her book, pretending not to be listening to our conversation. "Well, My parents want to meet you."

There is silence on the other end for a second. "Oh." Is all he says.

I play with the chord attached to the phone. "It's just, they want to meet you if we are going to be spending time together. You don't have to if you don't want to." I say, nervously fidgeting with the chord.

I hear another shuffle noise. "No, baby. If they want to meet me, if that's what it takes for us to spend more time together, then I want to meet them, too." He says in his southern drawl.

I stand up straighter. "Oh, um, okay." I say, not really knowing how to respond.

I hear him set something down. "How does tomorrow afternoon work, baby?" He says.

"I'll check, give me a moment?" I ask.

"Okay, baby." He says.

I pull the phone away from my ear, using my hand to cover the mouthpiece. I look back to Momma and see Daddy has joined her back at the table, looking at me. "Elvis wants to know if tomorrow afternoon works for you both." I say to them.

Daddy looks to Momma, who nods her head. Daddy turns his head back to me. "Tomorrow afternoon works just fine hon." He says.

I put the phone back to my ear. "Elvis, you still there?" I ask into the receiver.

"Yeah, Baby. I'm still here." He says.

"My Daddy says tomorrow afternoon works. Say, 1:30?" I ask, seeing if that time works, while also looking to my parents to see if that time I said works for them, too.

My Daddy nods his head. "Yeah, baby. 1:30 works for me. I'mma bring my Daddy too if that's alright." he says.

I look to my Daddy. "Is it ok if Elvis brings his Daddy with him too?" I ask my daddy. He nods. I turn back to the phone. "Yeah, it's fine if you bring your Daddy." I say to Elvis.

I hear him sigh. "Okay, baby. I'll be seeing you tomorrow then." He says.

I nod, before realizing he can't actually see me. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight, baby." He says, I can practically hear the smile on his face.

I smile too. "Goodnight Elvis." I say before hanging up the phone.

Falling In Love - Elvis PresleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora