Eagles Club

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Persephone's outfit ⬆️

US Air Force Base. West Germany, 1959, Eagles Club

Persephone Beaulieu's POV

Priscilla and I were sitting at the counter or the Eagles Club, doing our homework, sipping on a Cola. There isn't much for American teenagers to do in Germany, especially when you don't speak German. Well, I speak German, but Priscilla never bothered to learn, even after we learned we were moving to Germany for daddy's work.

Oh, gosh. Where are my manners, rambling on about myself without so much at telling you my name? My name is Persephone Lorraine Beaulieu. Well, I was born Persephone Lorraine Wagner, but Priscilla and I's biological father died when we were a few months old. Momma remarried when Cilla and I were 3, to Paul Beaulieu. He is the only father Cilla and I have ever known. After marrying Momma he adopted Cilla and I as his own.

Now, you're probably asking yourself, "Who is this Priscilla you keep bringing up?" Well, allow me to answer that question. Priscilla Ann Beaulieu. My fraternal twin sister. Cilla is everything I am insecure about. She is outgoing and taller than me. While I am 5'2 Cilla is 5'6. Cilla is skinny, I'm slightly curvy. Boys seem to like Cilla more, and other girls want to be her friend. While I'm usually on my own, or being dragged around by Cilla. She is older than me by 30 minutes, and trust me, she never lets me forget it.

In August, Daddy, who is an officer in the US Air Forse got transferred to Wiesbaden, West Germany, meaning we all had to pack our things and move to Germany. I was ok with it, it's not like I was leaving any friends behind. Cilla on the other hand, completely hated it.

Which leads us to where we are now. Sitting at a countertop, at the Eagles Club doing our homework.

Suddenly a voice sounds from behind me. "Hi." It says. I turn around in my seat to see a decent-looking man in an Air Force uniform. "Terry West. What are your names?" He asks, looking more at my sister than me.

Cilla gives him a small closed-lipped smile. "Priscilla Beaulieu." She says

Cilla looks at me and elbows me in the ribs as if to say, ' Introduce yourself, and don't embrace me.' The man looks at me as well. "Persephone Beaulieu." I say in a timid and gentle voice.

The man, Terry, looks back to Cilla. "I see you coming here a lot. Is your family stationed here?" He asks, aiming the question at her.

Cilla smiles and nods her head. " Yes."

Terry smiles back at her. "Where are you from" He asks, moving his eyes back to me before going right back to Cilla.

Cilla looks down at her hands for a second before answering. " Uh, Texas." She says. "Our dad just transferred here in August."

Terry Smiles. "Is that so?" He says. "Well, how do you both like Germany?" He asks looking between the two of us. Priscilla answers for both of us with a shrug and a hum. "Well, I book the entertainment here. My sister plays here sometimes."

Cilla smiles brightly. I know exactly what she was thinking. He is young and cute, and if it's his sister who plays here he is either not attached or his wife hates music. "That's neat." She answers.

He smiles, keeping his gaze on Cilla. "Do you like Elvis Presley?" He asks. What a strange question to ask. I mean, who doesn't like Elvis?

Cilla lets out a small chuckle. " Of course. Who doesn't?" She says.

"Well, I'm a friend of his." He says to Cilla. "My sister and I go to his house sometimes when he has people over. He's always glad to see folks from back home. We're going this weekend if you want to join." He says to her.

I look him over. Friends with the King of Rock 'N Roll? I find it hard to believe. But Cilla seems to believe every word he says. I mean, everyone knows Elvis is in Germany. He was drafted into the Army for 2 years.

Cilla looks at her hands and smiles. "I'd have to ask my parents. And they'd probably want me to bring Persephone along." She says to him.

His smile brightens. "Well, all right. See you around." He says before heading to the door.

Cilla and I turn back to our homework on the counter. Cilla seems deep in thought. She actually believes with all her heart that this young man, whom we only just met, is friends with Elvis. She sips her Cola while thinking, a deep smile on her face. Or maybe she just wants to spend time with the cute young Air Force officer.

After finishing up our Colas and our homework, we left the Eagals and began our walk home so Cilla could talk to our parents about the offer she just received.

Well, this should be fun.

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