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Family Lunch at the Eagles Club outfit ⬆️

First half of the chapter Persephone is in the same outfit as the last Chapter.
Persephone Beaulieu's POV

Once Cilla and I got back to our on-base housing, Momma was just finishing up with dinner. "Oh, Priscilla, Persephone, can you girls help set the table for dinner, please? She asks.

We drop our stuff off in our rooms and walk back to the kitchen where Daddy is sitting at the table with a glass of water.

As Cilla sets out the napkins for dinner, I grab the plates from the cupboard. While setting out the napkins, Cilla wastes no time explaining Terry and his offer to take her, or us, to Elvis' house.

"They'd pick me up and drop me off." She says trying to sell the idea of her going.

Momma turns around, leaning against the counter with her arms crossed. " You wanna go with strangers to Elvis Presley's house?" She says as if to confirm what she heard out of my sister's mouth was right.

Daddy chimes in. " Absolutely Not." He says putting his foot down on the matter.

Cilla sets another napkin down, frustrated. "There'd be other people there, too." She says, setting down the last napkin. " He even said Persephone can come if that would make you more comfortable."

I look at her while setting down the plates. "Hey, don't drag me into this." I say.

She rolls her eyes at me, then looks back at our parents. " It's the weekend, why can't we go?" She asks. "We'd be with Terry and his sister."

"We don't know them." Momma says to Cilla, trying to make her see reason.

Daddy chimes in. "Who are these people?" He asks.

Momma sets the silverware down on the table and looks directly at Cilla. "No." She says firmly.

Cilla sighs and walks away from the table. "There's nothing to do here." She mutters under her breath while walking away.

Time Skip, The Next day, around lunchtime

We are sitting at the Eagles eating lunch as a family. Momma and Daddy are on one side of the booth while Cilla, Timothy, and I are on the other side, Timmy on the end, Cilla in the Middle, and Me by the window.

Cilla is looking down at the milkshake, still upset Momma and Daddy won't let her go tonight. I'm sitting next to her sipping my 7up happily.

Cilla looked up when she heard footsteps approach our table, thinking it was our server with our food. But I was Terry with his uniform on and his cap under his arm

He smiles at Cilla, acknowledging her presence, before turning to Daddy. " Hello, Captain. I'm Terry West." He says, holding his hand out for Daddy to shake.

Daddy shakes his hand. "Good to meet you. This is my wife, Ann." He says, and motions to Momma when she says her name.

Momma gives a tight-lipped smile. "Hello." She says politely.

Terry smiles at her. "Hi. I book the music here. My sister Carol and I are friends with Elvis. He's having people over. Your daughter's welcome to join us. She said I'd have to ask you." He says. Cilla looks at Terry as if to say 'Why did you say I asked you to ask him'.

Daddy looks to Cilla with a look on his face that says 'Gottcha'. "I see." He says to Terry. "What unit are you in?" He asks the young man.

"Stationed under Sergeant Bryant, Sir." Terry says to Daddy.

Daddy lets out a small chuckle. "Bryant, huh?" He says.

"Yes, Sir." Terry says back.

I look at Cilla who is watching their conversation with a pleading look on her face. "Still tough as nails?" Daddy asks Terry.

Terry lets out a mix between a sigh and a chuckle. "Yes, sir. If you have any tips..." He says to Daddy.

Daddy shakes his head. " No, there's no shortcuts, son." He says.

Terry changes the subject back to tonight. "Well, your daughter would be well chaperoned by my Sister and myself. And your other daughter is more than welcome to come along. The house is just off base. I could pick them up at 8:30 and have them back by anytime you say, sir." He says. Terry and Daddy both look over at Cilla before looking back at each other.

Daddy nods his head a bit. "We'll discuss it." Daddy says to Terry.

I look at Cilla who is looking at Terry. I can see it by the look in her eyes, she is already falling for the young man in the uniform.

Terry nods at Daddy before looking to Cilla, giving her a nod and a smile, before walking away, taking his cap from under his arm.

Momma and Daddy both look at Cilla with looks on their faces. Cilla looks back down at her shake

Falling In Love - Elvis PresleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora