Cilla Caught In A Lie

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Persephone Beaulieu's POV

The next school day, I walk down the halls with my books in hand. Cilla walks a few paces behind me with a couple of girls she had befriended when he first started school here.

Priscilla always made friends so easily. All she had to do was smile and wave, and she had a whole group of people wanting to be her friend.

I, on the other hand, have always found it hard to make friends. The only friends I've ever managed to keep around are the characters in the books I read, but then again, they can't leave me. They're not real. They are just characters in stories made up by other people. I had a friend once back in Texas. Amy-Beth Kent. At least, I thought she was my friend. She got close to me, and we told each other everything for a year, or I thought we did. Turns out it was very one-sided. She was only friends with me to get closer to Cilla.

After that, I decided I didn't need friends. I have my books and my studies, and that was enough for me. Maybe one day I will write a book of my own.

As I walked down the halls to class, the events of the other night with Elvis ran through my head. He kissed me. The most handsome man I have ever seen kissed me. But he wasn't just any other man. He's Elvis Presley. The King of Rock N' Roll. What did he see in little ole me? Maybe I'm just a plaything to him? Someone to keep him occupied until he leaves in March. I can't imagine him having actual feelings for a nobody like me. He could have any woman he wanted, and there is no universe in which that would be me. Cilla, maybe.

I take my usual seat in the front of the class, Cilla a couple of rows behind me. As I do my work, I glance back at her, noticing her resting her face on her hand, practically falling asleep. How is she so tired? It's been 2 days since Elvis' party, so she should be plenty rested. I roll my eyes, turning back to my work.

Time Skip

After the school day is over, Cilla and I walk home together. Cilla sets the table for dinner while I help Momma make dinner.

After we eat, Cilla is back to resting her elbow on the table, which is very unladylike, with her face in her hand again like she was in class.

Momma notices and brings it up. "I'm not tired, I'm fine." Cilla says, taking her face off her hand and removing her elbow from the table, standing up to take her plate to the sink.

Momma gives Cilla a look before Daddy responds to her. "You can't keep going out like this." He says, directing it at Cilla, seeing as I wasn't showing signs of being tired at all.

Momma decides to chime in. "We thought it was going to be one time." She says, holding up a one as she says it.

Daddy nods his head. "If he wants to see you again, we have to meet him." He says to Cilla.

I look at Daddy, confused. "If who wants to see Cilla again?" I ask him. "You've already met Terry, Daddy."

Daddy looks from Cilla to me. "Elvis. That's why you both went back to his house last time. Elvis wanted to see Priscilla." He said, confusion spreading across both his and Momma's faces.

I look to Cilla, who hands her head down from where she stands at the sink. "Is that what you told them? That it was you Elvis wanted to see?" I ask her. I turn back to Momma and Daddy. "It wasn't Cilla he wanted to see again." I look down at the table before continuing. "It was me."

I hear Daddy let out a sound of shock while Momma gasps. I look back up to find them not looking at me but at Cilla in shock. "You lied to us?" Momma says?

Cilla, still looking down, embarrassed she got caught in her lie, nods her head. She finally looks up, looking at the space between our parents instead of at them. "I knew if I told you he wanted to see Persephone, you would let her go and make me stay home. But if I said he wanted to see me, you would let me go and send her with me." She says in a soft voice.

Momma looks at Priscilla in shock. "Priscilla Ann Beaulieu. We did not raise you to lie to us. I'm sorry to do this, but you are grounded for two weeks. Starting now." She says.

Daddy looks at Momma. "Did she finish all her schoolwork?" He asks her.

She is still looking at Cilla in disappointment. "I'll check." She says to him before aiming her next words at Cilla. "Go to bed. We will discuss this more tomorrow." She says.

Cilla nods her head, leaving the room. I get up from the table, taking Cilla's place at the sink, preparing myself to do the dishes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know she lied to you both about what was happening." I say, not looking at my parents.

I hear Daddy sigh. "I meant what I said. If he wants to see you again, we have to meet him, Persephone." He says in a firm voice.

I nod my head, not looking at them still, focusing on washing the dinner dishes. "You can't keep going out like this either. You need your sleep, too." Momma says to me.

I turn around and look at my parents. "I'm fine. I get plenty of sleep. He's gonna be gone in a few months anyway." I say, looking down.

Momma looks at me with sadness in her eyes, and at that moment, I know she can see how attached to him I have already gotten in the two times we have met. "He just lost his mother, Momma. He's still grieving. He trusts me." I say, looking my Momma directly in her eyes.

Momma looks at me in silence for a moment before turning to Daddy. I can't see the look on her face, but I hear Daddy sigh again.

He turns to look at me. "We still have to meet him if he is going to be spending all this time with our daughter." He says, a dead serious look on his face.

I smile and nod. "I'll call him right after I finish the dishes." I say, turning around to finish what I'm doing.

Elvis, meeting my parents.

This should be interesting.

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