Christmas With Elvis

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Outfit of the chapter ⬆️

Persephone Beaulieu's POV

The time flies by as Elvis and I continue to spend time with each other, getting to know one another. Before I knew it, the days had turned into months, September became October, October became November, and November became December.

Holiday after holiday passed us by as if it were nothing, just a flurry of School, homework, tests, family dinners, and time with Elvis.

It is now Christmas Eve. I am with Elvis at his house exchanging presents. Elvis all but demanded that he give me mine first. We sat down on the couch, I placed my present to him behind my back.

In his hands, Elvis holds a small rectangular box. He hands it to me, motioning me to open it. I take it from his hands, opening the box, only for a small rectangular jewelry box to be inside.

I open the box to find a gold watch inside. Out of curiosity, I look at the bedding above the watch to see the brand. Bulova.

I gasp. Bulova is a really expansive brand. I close the box and hand it back to him, scared to have such an expensive piece of jewelry in my possession. "Elvis, I can't accept this. It's too expensive." I say, my voice shaking a little.

He opens the box, takes the watch out, grabs my wrist, and secures the watch gently on my wrist. "Only the best for my baby." He says in his soft, honey-like southern drawl.

I look down at the new timepiece on my wrist, tears welling in my eyes. I look back at him. "Thank you." I say, my voice still shaking, out of fear of breaking or losing the expensive piece of jewelry, as well as happiness.

Elvis, who is still holding my wrist, looks down at the gist he just gave me, before back up to me. "This watch is nothing compared to the beautiful woman I have sitting next to me." He says to me.

I clear my throat, using my free hand to wipe away the stray tears that have fallen from my eyes out of pure joy. I release my ar, from his grasp, very reluctantly I might add, turning to grab the present I have for him.

I hand him the gift box, looking down at my lap after he takes it in his hands. "It's nothing as grand as you got me, but I hope you still like it." I say to him, my hope peeking through in my voice. I have been saving up my allowance for the last two and a half months so I could get him something I hoped he would like.

He looks up from the box to me, a small smile on his face. "I'm sure whatever it is, I will love it. Because it came from my favorite girl." He says to me.

I smile at him before nodding down to the present, signaling I want him to open it. He laughs before looking back down at the present in his hands, opening it.

Inside the box was a painted portrait of Elvis and I, painted from a picture his friend Joe had taken of us a few weeks ago. I had given the picture to an artist a few towns over, who luckily had no idea who Elvis was, requesting him to hand paint it for me.

In the picture, Elvis and I are sitting in a booth at the Eagles eating lunch. I am holding a fry up to him as he takes a small nibble of it, I smile as he does so.

I look up from the painting to see his reaction. He is still looking at it with an unreadable face. Oh, no. He hates it. He probably thinks it's weird and clingy. He probably thinks it is pathetic compared to the gift he gave me.

After a moment of analyzing the picture, he looks up at me, tears brimming his eyes. He sets the portrait down behind him, pulling me in for a large hug. "Baby, this is the best gift I have ever gotten." He pulls out of the hug, looking me in the eyes. "Thank you, little one." He says, sincerity dripping from his voice.

I smile at him. " You really like it? You're not just saying that to make me feel better?" I ask him, looking down at my hands, that I just realized he was holding tightly in his own.

He releases one of my hands, only to reclaim it in his other large one, and brings it up to my chin, forcing me to look up at him again. "I mean it completely, baby. I love it. this right here is my new favorite possession. As soon as I get back home to Graceland I'm hanging this across from my bed where I can look at it all the time." He says.

The reminder that he is leaving me soon brings sadness to my eyes. As if he can sense what has made me saddened, he moves his hand from my chin to my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. " It's not for a few more months, baby." He says in a soft tone that over the last few months I've come to notice he only uses with me.

I look him in the eyes. "I know. But you still are leaving me. I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself once you're gone." I say.

He pulls me close to him. " It's not for a few more months, Baby. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay?" He says placing a kiss on the top of my head before pulling away again. "Okay?" He says again, wanting to hear me say it back.

I give a small smile. "Okay." I say, trusting in him. "I just wish there was some way I could go with you." I say to him.

He shushes me, pulling me back to him. "Baby, there's nothing we can do." He says to me.

I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I'm just afraid that, you know, once you get home, surrounded by all those other girls, and work, you'll forget about me." I say softly.

He pulls me away from his chest, looking me in the eye. "I'm not gonna forget you, Seph." He says just as softly as I did. "Don't you worry."

He pulls me back to him, my head on his shoulder, kissing my head. Holding me close to him.

I hold tight not wanting to ever let him go. Afraid that if I let this moment go past, hell be gone, and I might never see him again.

Falling In Love - Elvis PresleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora