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I felt so protective over her already. I needed to protect her. She was ours, even if she doesn't know it yet. I was entranced and obsessed by her. Her unique style and personality was a breath of fresh air. No person, thing or sickness could hurt her if I had anything to do with it.

I know Atlas already felt the same to a degree. He was trying to be softer and kinder to her than any woman he's ever been around. His hard expressionless face only smiled for her.

Atlas walked into the house, bags in hand. "I didn't know what she'd want so I ordered almost the whole menu"

I no, "I'll go get her, set the table?"

He agreed and I walked to her room, knocking lightly on the cracked open door as I opened it more, stepping in.

She was laying on her stomach, eyes dilated and fixated on her phone. Her bottom lip is trapped between her teeth.

Her face flushes as she jumps, slightly startled as she notices me, she sits up and smiles. Her eyes slightly dilated and bottom lip looked swollen from her playing with it between her teeth.

I quietly and quickly suck in a breath at the sight of her. She was in a matching pajama set, clearly not wearing a bra as her nipples showed through the fabric and displayed a lot of cleavage.

"Atlas brought a whole Chinese buffet for you" I chuckled. "Come eat please"

She smiled bigger and stood from her bed, walking in front of me down to the living room. Her shorts were almost too small for her. They hugged her ass skin tight and the bottom roundness of her bottom sticking out, bouncing with every step.

I selfishly watched every moment of it before walking into the kitchen.

"I poured you some juice and sprite." Atlas tells her and she beems. His eyes graze her body with hunger. She was oblivious to his stare.

"Perfect!" She sits at her spot with the juice looking over all the food.

Atlas and I gave each other a look that showed she was torturing us in that outfit.

We both joined her, beer in my hand, soon all of us filling our plates to the brim.

"I didn't know what you liked so i bought everything" he admits and I can see he's taking mental note of the stuff she put in her plate.

"I'm not too picky. Just don't like any kind of Squash or zucchini." She starts to eat her food.

"Do you like the room you're in?" Atlas asks.

She nods, "it's beautiful. And the mattress is the most comfortable thing ever" she crosses her legs under her almost childlike.

"I'm glad you like it" he smiled and we all ate, a peaceful silence.

After we all ate, we took her into the movie game room and she sat in the middle of the couch, pulling a blanket to her. "What're we watching?"

"A horror movie" I smirked and grabbed her a water bottle so she would stay hydrated before sitting next to her.

"Oooo, ok. I get scared really easily but I do like horror movies. Halloween is actually my favorite" she smiled brightly each time she talked.

"That's in a few weeks, are you dressing up?" Atlas asked and sat down next to her on the other side with a couple of sweets.

She shrugged her shoulders. "There's this cool event at a nightclub happening a couple city's over that I would really like to go to but I'm not sure if I will. But everyone dresses up, they have all their lights red and themed drinks. The music is a little more... erotic."

"Why wouldn't you go?" I ask, pulling the large oversized blanket over me as well.

"Ummm.. well I don't really have anyone to go with.. unless you guys would like to go?" She asked looking nervous.

"I would love to go to that" I answered for myself.

"So would I" Atlas nodded.

"Oh." She smiles at our answers and leans back into the couch. "Then it's a date"

My lips turn up at her comment. I know she was just saying it as a saying but we know it meant more to us.

I turned on the movie, all three of us watching it. She jumped here and there at the jump scares but was doing pretty good.

We were half way through the movie when things in the movie got intense and she seemed on edge but excited while watching. It was really adorable and fascinating to watch.

She jumped at the killer and leaned into me, grabbing my arm. I bit at my lip to appear unfazed but I wanted to smile. She continued to watch and the movie became more gory. I could tell she was scared but not enough to not watch it as her eyes stayed on the screen. I lifted my arm that she was holding up and wrapped it around her shoulders, causing her to cuddle up to me and wrap her arms around my waist.

"Aww are you scared?" Atlas teased her and she pouted at him.

"Noooooo...." She whispered, not convincing and full of sarcasm.

"I'm just teasing you" Atlas smirks and puts his hand on her thigh. "Don't worry, we will protect you from the scary bad guys"

She blushed and nodded slightly, going back to watching the movie. She stayed cuddling me and I started to play with her hair, scratching at her scalp.

She smiled as I did and the movie ending, making me sad that the moment was over.

She made no effort to move away from me and instead got more comfortable, scooting down and laying her head on my lap and her legs over Atlas's. "What are we watching now?"

I smiled softly at her and her petite body. "How about we watch you?"

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