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Magnolia Parks

I couldn't believe this man was sitting on my couch. He just came inside but I didn't really mind. He was nice to look at. Both him and Silas were. I knew they were both strangers, who looked big and intimidating but now that I would be working closer to them; I didn't feel threatened in any way. Oddly enough I wanted to be around them more. It was an insane pull I felt to them both, like I was suppose to know them and be around them.

I put in some cheesy romance movie, the one where the couple always end up together in the end. I enjoyed these movies but that's what they are... just movies. Hollywood productions that aren't as real as they want them to be. No one stays together, the person you crush on your whole life doesn't like you back, forced marriages, abusive relationships... it's all there. That was real life, just like mom and dad. A felt a pang in my chest thinking about them and what had happened many years ago. I pushed it down and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Don't you think it's dumb and unrealistic that every movie ends with this hot passionate kiss but that's just not how it happens in real life?" I blurt out.

"What?" He chuckled.

"I mean I don't know about you but I don't have or ever had anyone writing me love letters, taking long walks on the beach, dancing in the rain, giving me an intense passionate kiss... you know.. the big romantic gestures." I giggled out loud and rolled my eyes because it isn't real and I would never have it. "It's just unrealistic and it's sometimes funny to me"

He looked at me confused and then at the window before instantly standing up and extended his hand to me. "Let's go dance in the rain"

I looked at him in shock. "I'm not having a pity party or anything.. I was just speaking"

"I'm not saying you are" he still holds out his hand to me "I think those little things can happen, both parties just have to put in a little effort" he smiles at me. "Now .. take my hand and let's go dance in the rain" his voice was commanding but playful.

Oh what the hell. The worst that could happen is that I get wet and sick?

I grabbed onto his hand and a big goofy smile grew across my face.

He pulled me outside my door, down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. We are instantly getting soaked. For me, now for the second time today. I giggle as I look up at him. His hair was wet and fell onto his forehead as his shirt clung to his muscles, making me inhale and look away.

"We don't have music" I giggle, feeling embarrassed, looking around to see if anyone was watching us.

He shook his head. "We don't need music"

He pulled me closer, putting his other hand on my lower back, the front of our bodies pressed up together. I felt like I stopped breathing. That this wasn't real. This isn't a movie, this was real life. This doesn't happen.

But it was happening.

He swayed our bodies side to side, and I was holding my breath, nervous that this dream would be over.

"Breathe" he noticed and I took a breath, feeling so stupid. Who doesn't breathe?

He started to hum a familiar song, one that I had heard many times. I smiled warmly at him, resting my head onto his chest, feeling the hums of the tune on the side of my face.

We swayed as the rain pelted us and it was perfect.

"And I think to myself... What a wonderful world" Atlas sang with a perfect pitch, surprising me. He looked down at me and I looked back up at him. We remained eye contact for a long time before I let out a small giggle.

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