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She was so pretty when she blushed. I loved that I made her body react in some way. A smile, a blush, a chill... anything.

After Atlas came home last night, he told me about them kissing and about what that did and talked about. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous and envious about their one on one time. I ended up texting her and asking her for coffee, it wasn't anything special but I felt she could use the caffeine boost before her work started.

We walked in the coffee shop, pastries and coffee beans hitting our noses. I ordered my coffee and a couple of scones for us to share, she ordered hers and pulled her wallet out. I handed the man cash and told him to keep the change before she could even register what was happening, beating her to pay.

"Hey..." she frowned, proceeding to pull out some cash, insisting I take it.

"Put that away. I'm treating you." I chuckled, grabbing our coffees and scones, walking over to a nice plush booth.

"But it's not cheap, I want to pay for my half at least." She insisted and sat down across from me.

"No." I was stern but it didn't scare her. "Now be a good girl, and put that money away. I asked you out on this date."

I didn't miss the way her legs pressed together and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she blushed. She put the money back into her wallet, and back into her back.

My good girl.

"How old are you?" She asked shyly and took a sip of her latte.

"I'm 30, Atlas is 28." I smiled at her, pushing the plate of scones towards her. "And you are?"

I knew she was younger but I wanted to hear her say it.

"24" she answered and stared at my face for a moment, "so this is a date?" She looked embarrassed.

"I suppose I should've clarified but I'd like this to be a date if you do. I find you very beautiful and addictive to be around" I spoke honestly. "If you don't want it to be a date... well... then we're just getting coffee.

"I'd like it to be a date, I feel the same way about you." She nodded, "but I feel I should tell you that Atlas and I kissed last night.." she trailed off before picking back up. "It's not like we went on a date or anything but it happened and I feel like if you are interested in me.. you should know I did that. And he should know I'm on a date with you. I'm very attracted to you both and I feel slightly overwhelmed by this because it's only been like two days. But you should both know that I am."

I shook my head with a chuckle. "I know you guys kissed but I appreciate you telling me sweetheart." I smiled at her to let her know it was okay. "We are both actually interested in you. I know that's forward and we don't know very much about you and you don't know very much about us but we would like to change that."

She nodded her head but furrowed her brows in thought before it went away. "Okay" she smiles. "I'd like to get to know both of you too"

"Amazing" I said as I drank my coffee. "Let's get to know each other"

"How did you and Atlas meet?" She asked curiously.

"We met when we were young actually. Our moms were best friends." I thought about it and how we were best of friends too. "We were best friends but had a falling out in middle school when my family moved back to Italy... but after high school, I moved back to the states and we reconnected. We have been pretty much stuck together since"

"Are you guys... ummm.. dating?" She asked awkwardly, causing me to laugh loudly.

"No baby. We aren't. We may have shared a few moments together but we're not together." I answered truthfully and she blushed red, nodding.

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