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Silas Thomas

I watched her run up the stairs to her apartment door. I groaned as her ass jiggled in her tight high waisted black jeans. Her low cut, long sleeve shirt hugged her waist and showed off her breast. Her long dark brown hair fell over her shoulders effortlessly. She was truly a beautiful girl.

I drove off, heading back to my house where Atlas was watching tv.

"Hey man" he calls as he hears me walk in the door.

"Hey" I took off my jacket and hung my keys up, walking into our large house.

Atlas and I grew up together. Our parents were good friends and spent every moment working and hanging out together. It was only fitting that we live together, start a whole business together, share women together... even shared a few intimate moments together. We weren't in a relationship with each other by any means but a few drunk nights or in the passion with a third.. things go somewhere.

"So I met a girl today.." I started and shook my head in disbelief, sitting down on the couch next to him. "She's beautiful and a little shy. She works at Bloom & Co. and she made the delivery today instead of their delivery man, Jerry."

He listened to me talk and I showed him a still screenshot from the funeral home's security cameras.

"She's cute," Atlas commented with a smirk.

"I drove her home." I admitted. "I don't know what came over me but I felt this crazy urge to drive past the flower shop and I saw her walking. I'm glad she took my offer for a ride. She lives on the east side."

He looked a bit taken back. "No car?"

I shook my head. "She seemed comfortable with me. I gave her my number and told her to use it."

He gave me a knowing look.

"I know, I know. I'm trying to not get my hopes up or become too attached" I admit, knowing he is right.

I had a problem with becoming obsessive, possessive and addicted to things and people. It's happened in the past and it's hard to break free from that. I could already feel myself ticking to be close to her and once Atlas meets her then I know he will feel the same. We weren't stalkers, we weren't going to invade her privacy, but if she was to ever open to us, she would be ours no doubt.

The following day both of us drove to work a bit earlier, stopping at the flower shop. I had a plan but I wasn't sure if it was going to work. I just wanted to be around her a little more.

As we both stepped inside, we were greeted by an older woman wearing bright colors and decorated in different stone jewelry. "Good morning gentlemen, how can I help you today?"

"Hello ma'am, I'm Atlas Jones and this is Silas Thomas. We own the funeral home on 6th street and we met with a young woman named Magnolia yesterday." Atlas started off.

"We were so pleased with her work and mannerisms, we were wondering if we could make a deal with you." I added on.

"Oh my dear Magnolia. She is full of such natural talent. She came into my shop a few years ago, begging for a job and knowing nothing about flowers and now she's the best this town has." She smiled, full of pride for her employee.

We walked through our deal with her thoroughly and she agreed. For a small fee, any floral orders for our funeral home were to be made and delivered by her, plus a weekly subscription to have flowers for the front desk delivered weekly.

It was a solid plan and was going to work so we can see her more often.

Later on that day, the back door ran and my ears perked as if I was a dog. Standing, I make way over to the viewing room to see a stunning Magnolia setting up an easel spray. Stunning work made by a stunning girl.

She was wearing loose black overalls with a skin tight black and white striped crop top and some converse. Her hair was tied up half up and half down today with some pieces hanging down around her face.

She was so fucking beautiful.

I smirked as I watched her turn and almost ran into me. "Woah, sorry!" She let out an awkward laugh.

"It's alright sweetheart, I was just coming to admire your work" I smiled down at her.

"Thank you. I actually should thank you for another reason... I have you to thank for my promotion." She bit at her lower lip.

"Ah yes. We spoke to your boss this morning and discussed a partnership." I responded.

"We?" She asked, a confused look upon her face.

"Yes we. You must be Magnolia. I'm Atlas Jones. It's nice to meet you darling." Atlas walks in behind her, causing her to turn around. They shake hands.

"Pleasure to meet you too." She blushed beet red at his pet name and from just looking at him.

Atlas towered over her. He was even a few inches taller than me. His blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin, brightened up the room. He wore a tight fitting short sleeve shirt with trousers, opting more casual. His tattoos scattered all down his arms and neck, which made him look more intimidating than he was.

She looked between the two of us before asking. "Do you both own this?"

I nodded. "Yes sweetheart. We actually are really good friends, we even live together."

She nodded, learning a little about us. "Well... what kind of arrangements would you like for your front desk? I was thinking of doing a weekly delivery every Wednesday starting next week.. I typically have Sunday and Monday off."

"Wednesdays sound perfect" Atlas responds, knowing that he has off Monday and Tuesday and I have off Saturday and Sundays.

I smirk and nod, "and really any kind of arrangement you think would look good. Can be different every week if you would like. We would like to just keep it around $100 each week."

Her eyes widened for a moment in excitement and then nodded. "Ok great." She took down some notes in her phone and said her goodbyes. We both followed her out, waving as she drove off.

"I told you" I sat in the chair in front of Atlas's desk.

He chuckled, "She is beautiful for sure. What time did you drive her home last night?"

I checked my phone, "around 6" I smirked. Already knowing that he was going to try and give her a lift as I did yesterday.

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