"You stay by our side the entire time. No wandering off for any reason, location on—"

"Yes! Thank you!" Omega squealed, earning a high-five from Wrecker.

"Don't worry, kid! You ain't getting away this time!" Wrecker ruffled the top of her blonde hair to which Omega chastised him for ruining her freshly pulled back hairstyle.

"I still don't like the idea," Hunter admitted to the remaining presence once the two left to fill the water flasks.

The sniper slid his helmet over his head. "Neither do I."

"Then why were you—"

"To remain her favorite."

Even without seeing his face, Hunter could easily tell the sniper was smirking evilly at him from under his helmet.

"You're not her favorite," the sergeant muttered to himself as he geared up.

"Yes, I am." Crosshair pushed by him with a gentle shove. Despite advocating for Omega's accompaniment, he shared Hunter's concerns, and dare he say it, more worried than his brother.


Wrecker swiped the back of his hand over his wet forehead. The suns seemed to be in a competition with each other on who was the hottest.

"Can we take a break?" the giant whined, taking a swig from one of the canteens almost empty of the cool liquid.

"We just need to find some smoke bombs since we ran out on Teth."

"Aww, but it's so hot!"

Crosshair rolled his eyes, replying sassily, "I told you wearing your winter blacks was idiotic."

"It was my only clean pair!"

"Did your tiny brain ever consider washing..."

Omega ignored the banter between her brothers. The markets were teeming with life. Old artifacts, paintings, jewels, exotic food...her eyes sparkled as they laid upon the trinkets. However, one stand in particular caught her undivided attention.

Baby Lurcas.

Omega found herself moving toward the cute hounds whimpering in their pen. Omega cupped her hands around her mouth as she smiled lovingly down at the little creatures. They were all versions of a younger Batcher.

"See one ya like?" The stand owner, a kind older man, laughed at the girl's reaction. "They just came in today!"

Omega shook her head apologetically. "Sorry, I was just looking. I actually have one back at—"

From behind, Omega felt a bony hand grip her shoulder. Omega's breathing hitched. Gulping out of fear, she leaned her head back slowly to see the face of the sniper staring back at her with an unimpressed expression.

"You're lucky I found you instead of Hunter."

Omega let out a prolonged, shaky sigh of relief. "You scared me," she puffed.

"I spoke out against Hunter for you to come along and you do exactly what he was afraid of?" The sniper led the young clone away from the stands, his hand remaining secured on her shoulder.

Omega looked at the ground. "I'm sorry. I just...got distracted by the hounds."

Crosshair hummed a disapproving sound as he caught sight of the others. "All the more reason you should have stayed on the ship," he mumbled, feeling a great sense of regret.

"But you were the one who—"

"Doesn't matter. Do you know—"

This time it was Omega who cut him off. "I'm not as helpless as you all think. Yeah, I was captured, but I also escaped. I know the dangers of the galaxy. Ever since Kamino, the Empire has been after me. It's not something new..." her voice tapered off as the realization of just how long her childhood had been disturbed sank in.

"Omega," Crosshair said softly, "none of us think you're helpless. Trust me, even I wouldn't mess with you when you're in a mood. But, regardless of your skill, you're ours to protect. You may be technically older, but you're still my little sister."

Omega's head snapped up at him.

It took forever to get him to acknowledge her presence back on Tantiss. It was around month three when he referred to her by her name and not just 'kid' as she made her daily rounds to his cell. He told her he wasn't her brother, that he wasn't like Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo. No matter how many times she tried to counter, he always refused.

Now, he had just verbally confirmed what she only could have imagined.

"You really mean that?" she asked in a small voice, wondering if she heard him correctly.

Crosshair exhaled heavily. "Yes, don't get all emotional."

"I'm not!" Omega laughed, still trying to wrap her head around the usually grumpy, critically harsh sniper's words.

Crosshair nodded, his hand returning to the girl's shoulder.

"Good. Let's go before Hunter goes all dad-mode."

"You know," Omega said as they walked, "you and Hunter act pretty similar toward me." Her sentence flowed out so genuinely; no form of teasing noticeable.

Crosshair felt his face heat up. Leave it to the kid to call him out on being hypocritical. But, of course, he couldn't let her know that.

"Don't insult me," he sniped, overplaying the nonexistent hurt of the comparison.

"I'm much better."

2 updates in a row? Idk but the flow is just comin' to meh😎 I'm so excited for the next ep!! There was a leaked clip from the next episode and also a slight description of what kind of ep it's gonna be and I'm honestly here for—


Hunter, Wrecker, and Fennec taking on the Florida Everglades while Crosshair and Omega bond hopefully on Pabu🏖️

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