Close Calls P1

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     Hunter angrily slammed his fist on the side of the ship while letting out a sigh of frustration, though he was also relieved. He brushed a stray hair out of his face as the rest of the batch came up from behind. Behind a large Wrecker, there trudged Omega, shoulders slouched and head down.

No one said a word as each member boarded the Marauder. If the silence wasn't loud to indicate the mission had gone wrong, one might think it was a batch of shinies on their first job.

Hunter crossed his arms as Omega made an attempt to climb up the ramp after Wrecker, sticking to being his shadow.

"Omega—" Her name came out a little more harshly than he had intended, but it seemed to have caught her attention as she stopped almost instantly. Taking a shaky breath he continued. "Just what were you thinking out there?" He stepped closer to her, taking a firm grip on her shoulder.

"Can we talk about this later, Hunter?" Omega pushed his hand away, turning her back.

Hunter shook his head, turning her around roughly so she was facing him once more. "You could have gotten yourself killed. I gave you an order to stay put!"

Omega rolled her eyes, only fueling the sergeant's fire. "Sorry," she answered back in a sarcastic tone. "Can we please drop this?" Omega bit her lip as she shifted her weight to her other leg. During her scuffle, the target managed to damage her lower thigh. The warm blood from the puncture hadn't stopped bleeding since. She had tried as hard as possible to keep from falling behind. Hunter was already furious and this would push him over the edge.

"I've told you so many times that you have to listen. This isn't a game, Omega. When I give you an order you listen to me. That's how this works." Hunter watched as she bitterly glanced at the ground before attempting to walk back up the ramp again. This time, he didn't miss the small limp she gave as she applied pressure on her left leg.

"What's wrong with you?" His heart dropped, but he tried to keep his composure.

Omega held her breath as Hunter's eyes drifted to her wound. She quickly looked away. She knew she was busted now.

"It's just a scrape," she muttered with annoyance to which Hunter didn't take kindly to.

"That's it. You're grounded from leaving the ship until further notice." Hunter pointed at the Marauder. If keeping her ship bound was the only way to keep her safe then so be it.

"Grounded?! You can't be serious!" Omega shouted, tossing her hands up in the air. "You're not my dad, you know! Besides, I'm technically older than you."

Hunter froze.

Of course he knew he wasn't her dad, but...

Stop pretending to be something you're not, Hunter.

Crosshair's words echoed in his mind. Maybe he was trying too hard to be the person he thought Omega wanted. He needed to start being the one she needed.

"Get. On. The. Ship. I won't say it again," Hunter snapped, gesturing at the door.

Omega huffed, storming up the ramp. Hunter had never talked to her that way before. Sure, they had their share of fights, but he never raised his voice to that degree with her. A small part of her wanted to go crying and apologize to him, but the larger part was too stubborn to. The clone stomped up the ladder to her nook, loud enough for the whole ship to hear. She crawled into the chair that overlooked each new landscape of the planet. Normally she would be chatting away with her brothers or playing outside, however, after the events that happened today, she wasn't sure how long it would be until she would be able to do that again. Sighing, she leaned her head on the side of the chair. Her leg still stung like crazy. Luckily for her, she had been a medic back on Kamino so she knew how to treat her own wounds...something Hunter must have forgotten about. She wasn't as useless as he thought of her. She wondered how long it would take for him to notice that.

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