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Another mission almost completed without getting caught. Almost, but the Bad Batch never seemed to have that kind of luck.

"I thought you scanned the place!" Echo shouted to Tech, taking down another person chasing them.

"I did, but those layouts must have been outdated," the genius snapped back, not in the mood to debate his prepping.

Omega clutched the small briefcase of important files that Cid needed for another client. She had told them they better not screw the job up, meaning they really couldn't if they were going to continue to work for her.

"At least we got what we came for," Omega offered positively.

"Yeah, but is it really worth nearly dying over?" Hunter muttered, ushering her to keep moving.

"Well, how much longer until we get back to the ship?" Wrecker pestered. He hated running constantly. It wasn't exactly his best skill on the account of being larger, having more muscle to carry.

"The exit is just up ahead and we should be in the clear." Tech tapped his device which opened the large metal door. What he hadn't been expecting was the large number of members of the gang that they were stealing from.

"This isn't good, Tech." Hunter whipped out his blaster, scanning the area for the Marauder which surprisingly hadn't been spotted. "Okay, here's the plan. Wrecker, Tech and I will distract them, while Echo and Omega get to the ship."

"Oh yeah! Time for some action!" Wrecker chanted, pumping his fist in the air.

"Go!" Hunter yelled, him and the others racing into the crowd with guns.

"Come on, Omega." Echo lightly patted her arm, signalling her to move.

The two made a beeline for the Marauder, having no doubts that the rest would complete their task. All was fairing well, until a small group of armed Twi'leks appeared out from behind some crates.

"Not so fast," one of them sneered, raising a blaster.

On instinct, Echo pushed Omega behind him, out of view from the group.

"Give us the briefcase and we'll consider letting one of you go back alive."

"Yeah, not a chance," Echo said with a steady tone. He quickly fired a blast through the first guy, leaving only three more to deal with. "Omega, get on the ship and start it up!" he hollered to her as he engaged the gang.

"But-" Omega began, stopping herself. She knew better than to argue with orders, especially in the moment. She nodded, swerving away from a punch intended for her.

She bolted for the ramp, but tripped over a pipe as she drew near. She tried to push herself back up, only then noticing a sharp pain between her shoulder blades.

"I don't like when children steal from me," a deep accented voice snarled, pressing down harder. His boot felt like knives digging into her back, but she refused to give up what they had fought so hard to get.

"Fine, I'll pry it from your limp fingers myself." The click of a blaster made her tense.

"No!" she heard someone yell.

Suddenly a new weight was added on top of her, nearly knocking the air out of her lungs. She rolled over, instantly wishing she hadn't.

Next to her was the face of the Twi'lek that was threatening her. His head had a large blaster hole shot right between his eyes which were rolled back into his head. Blood was oozing from his mouth, dripping on the ground in a puddle under his chin.

Omega snapped out of her trance, tearing her gaze away from him to board the ship. She listened to Echo's orders and started the ship just as Tech taught her. A few moments later Echo came into the cockpit, sitting down in the pilot's seat.

"Good job, Omega," he complimented just then realizing her lack of cheerfulness that she usually had even when they were escaping danger.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Echo could feel the anger bubbling inside of him already.

Omega quickly shook her head, pulling on her best smile. "No, I'm good." She then pointed down to Hunter, Wrecker and Tech. "I think they are too," she said, seeing the bodies littered around them.

"Alright, let's get out of here." Echo drove the Marauder in their direction.

The ship cruised peacefully through hyperspace, each squad member finding something to occupy the time.

Wrecker used the break to curl Gonky while Hunter and Tech discussed what was next after the mission.

Echo yawned, sitting down on his bunk. He didn't remember the last time he had actually gotten some good sleep. He laid down, closing his eyes. For a few minutes he just enjoyed the slight humming of the ship functioning before feeling a small tap on his arm.


He opened one eye. Omega was standing next to him with a worried expression on her face. He panicked. He knew he should have checked her over for injuries earlier.

"Does it hurt to get shot in the head?" her voice grew softer.

"Uh, why do you wanna know?" Echo sat up, patting the spot next to him. He waited for her to get settled.

"Does it?" she asked again.

Taking a deep breath he answered. "I've never been shot in the head, but I take it the person wouldn't feel much pain."

"So that Twi'lek didn't suffer," she seemed relieved at the news.

There it was.

Echo kicked himself for forgetting that he had shot the guy just as he was about to kill her. He didn't think much of it at the time, but Omega had seen the aftermath of the death up close.

"No, I don't think he did," he confirmed, hoping it would ease her thoughts.

"How come we steal from others, but when they do the same it's considered wrong?" she fired another question at him that he was not prepared for.

"Well, when we steal...It's for a greater cause. Normally it's within reason. For instance, today. These documents will help free many people elsewhere. The reason we stole it was because that organization was trying to prevent it from happening," he explained carefully.

Omega placed a hand on her chin. "Oh...I guess that makes sense."

"But sometimes, even we're wrong," Echo continued, causing the girl to tilt her head in confusion." Though we try to make sure that we don't run into any trouble, it's sometimes unavoidable. I don't like killing people when we don't have to, but if it comes down to our squad or them, there's no competition."

"Like today?"

"Yes, like today."

Omega sat in silence for a while. Though she still didn't understand some parts of the discussion, she did know one thing.

"I would also do the same for you." She placed a hand on Echo's knee, giving him a warm heartfelt smile.

The former ARC chuckled. "I hope to never put you in that situation, but thanks kid."

And he would keep his word. If it was avoidable, Omega would never have to make that split second decision. Not under his watch.

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