Blessing P2

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     Omega waved goodbye to her brothers as she left for yet another date with Aurinko. Last night she was on her comm call with Aurinko, he seemed kind of nervous. He kept stumbling over his words as he asked if she was busy or had any missions. Omega, though finding it a bit out of character, didn't think much of it. She loved any conversation or time that she could spend with him

Omega turned the corner and found Aurinko sitting on the edge of an old fountain that was their official meeting stop since they started dating.

"Hey!" Omega greeted, leaning in and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Hi, Omega!" He pulled her in for a quick hug, handing her the flowers he had picked up earlier. His hand shook as he gave them to her. He only hoped that she didn't notice.

Omega did notice however. Being as perceptive as she was.

"Are you okay?" Her sweet kind accented voice always made him melt.

"Yeah, I'm great actually." He tried to keep the over the top excitement out of his own voice. They sat in silence for a moment.

"You said you wanted to talk?" Omega prompted, recalling the late night comm call from yesterday.

Aurinko nodded. It was now or never. The worst she could say was no.

"Yeah." He bit his lip, turning to his beautiful girlfriend. "I just wanted to say that I think you're the best thing that has ever happened in my life and that I truly do admire everything that you stand for. Your compassion to others, your selflessness and the joy you bring to everyone around you. Omega, I love you with all my heart and you make me a better person in this galaxy."

Omega felt herself blush brightly. "Aurinko...where's all this coming from?"

Aurinko took a deep breath as he reached into his pocket and took out a small black box before falling to one knee.

Omega felt the tears start to weld up in her eyes as her hands came flying over her mouth.

"It would be my honor if you would let me be by your side forever. I love you with every bit of my heart. Omega, will you marry me?"

Omega didn't know whether to cry or smile. Both seemed like the right emotion. She threw herself at her boyfriend(now fiancee), wrapping her arms around him and crying into his shoulder. She vigorously nodded her head, trying to get the words out.

"Yes! Maker, yes!" She cried. Aurinko wrapped his own arms around her, placing several kisses on her forehead. As if knowing it was a special moment, the fountain that hadn't worked for many years started flowing. The turquoise lights reflected off the water, lighting up the area as the couple's new chapter together began.


     Hunter watched as the door to the Marauder closed. His heart pounded faster as he knew Omega would come back to the ship as an engaged woman.

"Are you okay?" Tech tapped Hunter's shoulder as he passed by. The look of deep concentration covered his face.

Hunter cleared his throat, putting a smile on his lips. "Yeah, I'm good...just thinking."

Tech raised his eyebrow. He knew exactly what was going on. Hunter was like every other protective parental figure. Of course he was getting cold feet now that it was actually happening.

"You're second guessing your decision to let Aurinko ask for Omega's hand in marriage? The boy that brings a smile to her face everyday. The person she wants to hang out with twenty-four seven, the one who she pretended to be sick for before a mission just so she could stay back to see? The —"

Hunter put his hand up. "Okay, well when you put it like that." He looked at Tech for a brief second before turning his attention back at the knife he was mindlessly twirling his hand. "It's just...It's just now settling in that she's not always gonna be around."

There it was.

"She's not a kid anymore, Hunter. She was never going to stay with us forever," Tech stated the obvious.

Something about Tech's words stabbed him in his heart. "I-I know."

Tech noticed that his statement might have been a little bit harsh to Hunter, but it was the truth.

"Look, Hunter. Omega will forever be a part of our squad." He sat down next to the Sergeant. "As her parental figure, it's your job to support her in whatever she decides to do with her life beyond us. Though she will have another person to turn to, you will always be the one she needs most. Aurinko is more than worthy of Omega, same as Omega to him. You have nothing to worry about, Hunter."

The Sergeant stared at Tech with an open mouth as he left for the cockpit.

"He's right, you know." Hunter turned his head to see the tall grayed haired clone standing in the doorway.

"Were you listening to the whole conversation?"

Crosshair flicked his toothpick at Hunter, hitting him in the chest.

"I thought you didn't like the kid?" Hunter questioned, giving Crosshair a suspicious look.

Crosshair shook his head in disagreement. "I said I'm not fond of him, but I can put up with him. There's a difference." He walked over to his brother. "And yes, I heard the entire conversation and I think you're getting too worked up over this."

"Thanks for your help, Crosshair." Hunter stood up, turning to leave. He didn't have time to deal with the sniper's taunting.

"Wait," Crosshair caught his arm. "I wasn't finished. Yes, you're being overbearing about the whole thing, but I get where you're coming from. You're not alone in this. We all care about Omega and want what's best for her."

"I know you do. Thanks, Cross." Just then the door opened and in came Omega rushing in, colliding with the two clones.

"Whoa there, kid." Hunter helped stable her. He could tell that she had run the whole way back as she was out of breath and panting.

"Hunter, Crosshair!" Omega exclaimed, her whole body shaking. "Aurinko, he-he proposed to me!!" Omega's smile reached her ears as tears of happiness were in her eyes. "Look!" She held up her hand that now had a small diamond stone on her ring finger.

"Congrats," Crosshair said, patting her on the back as the others came out of the cockpit at the sudden commotion.

"I'm so happy for you, 'Mega!" Wrecker cried, picking her up and squeezing her in a tight hug. "You're getting really old aren't ya?!" He twirled her in a circle as she erupted into a fit of giggles.

"Congratulations, Omega. I always knew you two were the most compatible with each other," Tech said, smiling widely.

"Thanks, Tech." Omega laughed to herself. He was rarely ever incorrect.

"I couldn't be happier for the two of you," Echo said, embracing Omega. "You two are perfect for each other," he whispered to her, ruffling her hair.

"Thank you, Echo!"

"Omega," Hunter began, but found that he couldn't speak. The words he had prepared to say were suddenly caught in his throat. He felt a warm teardrop escape his eye as he smiled down. For a brief second he saw the little girl they saved from Kamino those ten years ago. Now standing in her place was a young experienced woman who was ready to move on in the next phase of her life.

Hunter didn't need to say anything. Omega knew all she needed to know from his reaction. She engulfed him in a heartfelt hug. "Thank you, Hunter. For everything," she said softly enough so only he could hear.

The Happy Batch 🥰 (Only in fics ofc. SW can't be happy)

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