The Market P1

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     Omega wiped her mouth with her sleeve as she finished another one of Echo's delicious meals. She carefully carried her plate to the small sink in the corner of the ship as the rest of the batch continued to talk among themselves. She quickly made her way back to her room, unlocking a secret compartment in the ground where she kept her credits. Omega smiled to herself as she counted. She had just enough for each item she wanted. She had been saving for over a year. Cid was kind enough to pay her for some of the cleaning that she had done in the parlor and within that year, she was able to scrape up a decent amount. Excitedly, Omega pocketed her credits and went back out to the others.

"I went last time though!" Wrecker complained, "Besides, there's a holo I wanna watch tonight."

Hunter sighed. He had a bad migraine and didn't feel like going out and he also didn't feel like dealing with his brother's arguments.

"Echo, can you go instead?"He rubbed two fingers to his temple, expecting the ARC to comply.

Echo shook his head. "You think that any of you are going to clean this up? Ask Tech. He's not doing anything."

"Me?" Tech asked in surprise. "I cannot. I'm currently working on—"

"Oh come on, Tech. It's your turn!" Wrecker playfully shoved his brother to which he earned an annoyed glare.

"Why don't you go, Hunter? If you want it done so badly, then just get the supplies yourself," Tech said with a knowitall tone.

Hunter took a deep breath, trying his best not to lash out. "Because, I'm not feeling well. I'm the Sargent and I say you —"

"Would you quit yelling?" Crosshair snapped, flicking his toothpick on the floor. "I'll go if it means you all will shut up." He slowly stood up from his comfortable chair, clearly irritated.

Hunter was taken aback, but also grateful that the arguing stopped, but he also couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt.

"Are you sure, Cross?"

"Like you all were jumping at the chance," the sniper remarked. "I'll be back in thirty minutes."

Omega jumped back behind the wall that led to the fresher. The timing of the supply run was perfect. The only problem was trying to convince Crosshair to let her tag along. She timidly stepped out of her hiding spot as he was about to leave.

"Crosshair?" The sniper was caught off guard by the small voice. He turned around, finding the young girl looking at him nervously.

"What do you want?" He knew she wanted something, or else she would have been acting completely different.

"Um, I was wondering if I could come with you?"

Crosshair brushed her off. "No. This trip is going to be quick and I don't need you getting lost in the crowd," he said, opening the side door.

"Wait! I promise I won't get lost. Please, Crosshair? I have my own credits, and I promise I won't take too long. I already have exactly what I want in mind." Omega begged, hoping that her brother would grant her permission to come along.

Crosshair rolled his eyes. He knew she wouldn't stop trying to convince him. Sometimes he wondered how he lasted this long living with a kid. Though, even he had to admit that it was hard telling her no. He eventually gave in, giving her a short nod as he exited the ship, hearing a small celebration coming from the girl. At least she had kept her word. She glued herself to his side all the way until they reached the market.

"I need to stop by these stands up ahead," Crosshair stated, looking down at Omega.

"I know where the things I need are," Omega replied, "Can I go really quick?"

Crosshair sighed. The things he let the kid talk him into. "Fine. Comm on, no talking to strangers that come up to you and if you do somehow get into trouble, contact me immediately. I won't have Hunter on my back if you get yourself killed."

Omega beamed, already stepping away. "I will. I won't be long!" she called as she went off. She knew exactly where she was going. The week before, she had planned out where the items would be at different stores in the market. Her first stop was a gift for Hunter, Wrecker and Echo. She spotted each of the items three different times during other supply runs.

First was for Hunter. She picked out a nice pair of headphones. Hunter always complained about how loud it was on the ship. She understood that it was because of his heightened senses, so the headphones (that were sound canceling) would give him that wanted peace.

For Wrecker, Omega thought about how small his bunk was. She noted that he almost fell off of it once or twice in the same week. In the store there was a camping section and she found a large hammock. One that could carry his weight and be comfortable as well as not take up too much space on the ship. He would finally be able to have a good night's sleep.

Echo's gift was personalized. Cid had helped her call in the order a while back. Omega remembered looking at old pictures of Echo and his brothers. She noticed how they each had their own symbol telling who they were. Cid was surprisingly good at drawing and recreated the symbols and sent them in to be printed on a blanket.

She bought her items and left the store. Lastly was Tech and Crosshair. She made her way to a tool stand. There was a large tool box that seemed like it could hold hundreds of different tools. Tech was always working on mechanics and yet he didn't have a decent place to put his utensils. Omega picked the red and black box to go along with the batch's theme.

The final purchase was for Crosshair. Omega selected the biggest bucket of toothpicks the store had. She didn't think that she had ever seen him without a toothpick. Besides knowing that he just liked them, she also knew that it was his stress reliever and she wanted to make sure he would never run out. The shop-owner gave her a weird look as she checked out, but he didn't ask any questions.

Omega made sure everything was hidden in their bags as she traveled back to meet Crosshair who was waiting for her.

"You're late," he remarked, eyeing the girl's loaded arms of bags and boxes.

"Sorry, it was a little hard to see my way through the crowd with everything," Omega apologized. She hoped he wasn't too mad.

"I'd imagine, being barely two feet tall." He smirked.

"I'm taller than two feet!" Omega exclaimed. She didn't think she was that short.

"Sure you are, kid. Don't fall behind," he said as he pushed his way through the crowd of people, Omega following closely behind.

A little xmas oneshot:) I was gonna say Part 2 tomorrow cuz I was tryin' to get this out before 12 but that obviously didn't happen sooo I guess it's Part 2 later today XD

(And to those who celebrate Christmas)


I hope EVERYONE has a wonderful day! -Chop 🧡 💙 🤍

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