𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐨𝐟𝐟

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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ -Mostly just boring till the end 😒-

Angel sat in a chair beside your bed, his gaze fixed on your motionless form. He hadn't moved from your side since you were transported into your new hotel room. The room was larger, and more spacious, with a porch that offered a panoramic view of the surroundings. But none of that mattered to Angel; his sole focus was on you.

Your health had been declining steadily over the past week, and Angel felt helpless as he watched you suffer. He hadn't been to work in days, ignoring countless calls from Val that went unanswered. His mind was consumed by worry and frustration, his emotions a tumultuous storm raging within him.

You lay unconscious on the bed, your body wrapped in bandages that covered each wound with meticulous care. Some of the bandages bore traces of blood, a stark reminder of the ordeal you had endured. Nugs, sensing Angel's distress, curled up in his lap, emitting soft cooing sounds in an attempt to provide comfort in the midst of despair.

Charlie and Vaggie quietly entered the room, noticing Angel's worried gaze fixed on you as he sat in the chair. Charlie approached him cautiously, her voice gentle as she spoke.

"Hey, Angel. How are you holding up?" she asked, concern evident in her tone. Angel didn't take his tired eyes off of you. "She's not going to wake up, is she?" he said, his voice heavy with sorrow and uncertainty. Charlie let out a shaky breath, her gaze lingering on your battered form before she shut her eyes, unable to bear the sight. Vaggie pulled her close, offering what comfort she could. "She will, she's strong," Vaggie reassured Charlie, her voice trembling slightly.

Charlie walked away from Vaggie and moved to the other side of the bed. She gently took your hand and sat beside you, her eyes fixed on your still form. "Come on, Auntie. Everyone's been waiting to share a victory drink with you," she whispered softly, her voice wavering with emotion.

Angel smiled weakly, his grip on your other hand tightening as he silently hoped for your recovery.

"Come on, babes..." Angel murmurs softly, but there's no response from you. Your chest continues to rise and fall, the only sign of life remaining. When you don't react, Angel stands up quietly and makes his way to the door. Without a word, he leaves the room, leaving Charlie alone with you.

"Charlie, we should go check on the others. She'll be fine," Vaggie's words hang in the air as Charlie nods, her grip on your hand loosening. With a final glance at your still form, Charlie slips out of the room, closing the door gently behind her. Not before taking one last look at your unconscious form and wiping a tear from her eye.


Adam's fist slams into the closest wall with a resounding thud. He effortlessly retrieves it out of the now-broken drywall, his pacing growing more frenetic with each step. Anger and adrenaline surge through him, propelling him to unleash his fury on his own living room. Objects are shattered and strewn across the floor, while a large crack mars the window that spans the entire wall of his penthouse.

Lute watches from her seat, her expression impassive as Adam's rage consumes him. She knows better than to intervene, allowing him to vent his frustrations unchecked. As the chaos around them intensifies, she remains composed, a stark contrast to Adam's turbulent state.

"FUCK!" He yells at the top of his lungs. "How the hell did this happen!? It was never meant to work! Their fucking plan was never meant to actually succeed!" He shouted in frustration, his anger boiling over. He had discovered that the demon he killed in hell had returned shortly after his demise "I can't believe they let him stay," Lute said, her anger rising.

Adam continued to pace, seething with anger. Everything around him seemed to be falling apart, but his mind was fixated on you. The image of you, covered in blood and pain etched on your face, haunted him. He wanted nothing more than to hold you close, to protect you from harm. Adam feared the worst, doubting whether his magic had reached you in time, fearing that you might have died before he could save you. "I can't believe they let demon filth like him stay," Lute said again, her frustration evident.

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