40: So, is Eddie, Like, a Murderer?

Start from the beginning

Max took a couple pills before something caught her and Y/n's eyes outside of the window.

There were police cars surrounding Eddie's trailer, along with caution tape. The girlfriends shared yet another look of confusion, concern, and worry before leaving Max's trailer to check outside.

The walked a little closer, still not saying anything as they tried to see inside of Eddie's trailer. At the same time, they managed to get close enough to see the reason for the whole situation.

The distorted figure of Chrissy Cunningham came into view.

It was horrible. Chrissy's lifeless body was disfigured, with every limb snapped in abnormal ways. Her shape was almost unrecognizable, but that was undeniably Chrissy Cunningham. She was in her cheer uniform and her hair was in the high ponytail that it always was.


Y/n and Max decided to go to Dustin's house that day to tell him what happened. Eddie and Dustin were friends, and the electricity acting up concerned the girls. Neither of them said it out loud, but they knew they had the same concern:

What if everything from last year was back?

It had returned before. It wasn't completely impossible for it to come back again, despite how much they wanted to believe that it couldn't.


"Chrissy Cunningham?" Dustin asked, incredulous after the girls told him the story. "You're sure it was Chrissy?"

"Yes," Y/n confirmed, Max speaking after her.

"Yes, she was in her cheerleader outfit. It was the same thing she was in when I saw her with Eddie," Max told the curly-haired boy.

"Did you tell all this to the cops?" Dustin asked as he paced, not yet knowing the two girls' worries.

"No," Max said. "No, but I- I... I can't be the only one that saw them together, I mean, they stood out," Max stated as she walked over to Dustin, who ended up walked away from her anyway since he was still pacing.

"You couldn't miss them, they were the weirdest pairing ever. I mean, together they were a spectacle," Y/n added.

"Eddie 'The Freak' with Chrissy 'The Cheerleader'?"

"Exactly," Max nodded. "You know, his name's not in the news yet or anything, but I guarantee you, Eddie is suspect number one right now."

"That's crazy. Eddie didn't do this. No way," Dustin denied.

"Dude," Y/n said, but Dustin wouldn't budge.

"No way," He repeated, pausing in between each word with his voice raised.

"Well, we can't rule it out," Max told him after a moment.

"Yes we can!" Dustin insisted.

"Dustin!" Max exclaimed, and the boy was quick to speak. "You don't know him like I do, Max! Okay? When we got to highschool, Lucas made all his sports friends. Mike and me? I mean, no one was nice to us. No one except Eddie."

"Okay, well, they said the same shit about Ted Bundy." Dustin seemed taken aback by Max's words. "Yeah, he's like a- a super nice guy, but then- he's- murdering women- on the weekend."

"So you're saying Eddie is like Ted Bundy?" Dustin asked in disbelief.

"That's not what she was saying, Dustin," Y/n defended her girlfriend.

"I'm saying... that..." Max tried to find the right words. "We can't presume anything, okay?"

Dustin sat down on his bed as Max continued. "But it doesn't look good for Eddie."

Dustin sighed. Then, his expression turned thoughtful and seemingly skeptical. "Why haven't you told the cops this?" He asked after a moment of thought.

"I- I don't know," Max shrugged, folding her arms over her chest.

"You don't know?" Dustin asked her, still incredulous.

Max paused and looked at Y/n before moving to sit down next to Dustin. Y/n followed and took a seat next to Max before wrapping her arm around the redhead's waist.

"Last night... after Y/n and I saw Eddie and Chrissy go in the trailer... something else happened."

"The lights, they... They started to flicker," Y/n explained. "Like, flicker." She paused. "And we could hear the TV in the other room start to get all... wonky before that. And then... then we heard a scream... an- and then we saw Eddie run out of his trailer and drive away like, pretty recklessly."

"Nothing that weird or anything, I mean... Eddie always drives like a maniac, and the power goes off at my place all the time. It's a piece of shit, but..." Max took a breath. "This morning, I started to think back, and... I don't know." The redhead looked away. "The look on his face." She looked back at Dustin. "He was scared, Dustin," Max said. "Really scared," she added. "Maybe he was... scared because... you know, h-he just killed someone, or... maybe, um... maybe be- because... I don't know, maybe..." Max hesitated, and Dustin spoke for her.

"Something else killed her."


hiiiii :)

so what did you think of this chapter?

i <3 olivia rodrigo

oh, new tgomr bonus chapter coming up if you read that :D

ok bye! :)

1470 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now