Chapter 22 The Reveal

Start from the beginning

Jaune is seen using his super human speed to deliver multiple speed punches to Kuyos body

"Damn human! I'll kill you where you stand!" Kuyo shouts as he throws a flame wheel at Jaune

Jaune stands still and just tanks the attack

A dust cloud shows up before disappearing showing Jaune without a scratch

"Pathetic let me show you true fire" Jaune says as his eyes begin to glow

"Pathetic let me show you true fire" Jaune says as his eyes begin to glow

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Basically that ^ but replace Superman with Jaune

"Good luck blocking this Kuyo" Jaune says before firing two laser beams from his eyes at Kuyo

Kuyo seeing the beams heading towards him quickly transforms into his ultimate form and attempts to block the attack

"Ha your little attack cannot get past my blue fire *attacks pass by* what the fuck?!" Kuyo calmly says before shouting as he attempts to avoid the attack but is unable to

The attack hits Kuyo causing an explosion to be seen

The entire Yokai academy then sees a bruised and greatly harmed Kuyo holding a broken arm

"This is not happening! I can't lose to a human when the Yokai race deserves to be the leader of the human race!" Kuyo shouts

"Yeah not gonna happen now I will ask those watching what your end fate should be *turns to the Yokai* now what should his fate be? If you think he should be spared but forced to change his ways then say so now" Jaune says before hearing a quarter of the Yokai say spare Kuyo

"Or do you think he should be permanently killed off... If you think he should be killed say so now" Jaune says before hearing nearly every Yokai say kill him

Jaune walks over to the beaten Kuyo and grabs him by the neck

"So Kuyo it would seem the Yokai wants me to kill you... Any last words?" Jaune asks Kuyo

"Your time will come human trash! Mark my words your betters will show up and you will suffer!!" Kuyo shouts

Having enough of Kuyo's banter Jaune punches a hole in his chest where is heart should be ultimately killing the disciplinary committee leader

The deceased body of Kuyo falls to the ground as Jaune stands over the body

"It's done" Jaune says as he starts to walk back to the academy

The Yokai are silent at what they witnessed

"If you all resent me for what I did then I will leave the academy to continue my task given to me by Superman" Jaune says to the Yokai of the academy

"Wait how do you know Superman Aono?" A Yokai student asks

"He knows because Jaune himself has a copy of Superman's powers" Moka says as she stands next to Jaune

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