Chapter 84

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Oh God. This has to be a joke. Apparently Gang Orca is playing a villain and has a lot of "evil" henchmen trying to attack all the people we saved.

You saw that they were getting closer to reaching them so you jumped in and sent a wall of fire between the survivors and the evil henchmen, making them step back. You couldn't keep the wall up for long since you didn't want to hurt the survivors so you had to take care of the henchman yourself.

You noticed your brother and Inasa fighting Gang Orca while you, Midoriya, Iida, and a few other of your classmates fight the henchman.

While fighting the henchman you noticed that Shoto and Inasa were arguing while trying to fight. You let out an annoyed sigh. Your brother can't be letting his emotions get the better of him.

You were fighting with one of the henchmen when you saw a large flame head straight to the group of people you all saved coming from your brother and Inasa.

You had to let go of the henchmen to quickly redirect the flame right before it was able to reach the survivors.

Another one came right after that one and you had to redirect that one as well, then another, and another.

You were now standing protectively in front of the survivors as you had to protect them from your brother and not even the villains anymore.

Your brother's flames were getting pushed around by Inasa's wind so they were just going everywhere.

"Shoto be careful!" You screamed hoping he heard you with all the wind surrounding him.

"I don't even need to do anything really." You heard Gang Orca chuckle as he watched the boys argue. This wasn't a good look for your brother.

You knew the man organizing this exam was watching so you had to stop them.

The wind stopped for a brief moment so you decided to send whips of flames towards both Inasa and your brother, to wrap around their legs. You forcefully pulled them back so they would fall once you noticed they kept fighting.

You were about to run over to your brother when Gang Orca started making his way to the people you rescued.

Shoto and Inasa decided to work together this time, creating a kind of fire tornado around themselves and Gang Orca.

You have to stop Gang Orca before he advances any further and before he makes your brother look worse. Maybe they can't see through the fire and you could make it look like your brother was the one to defeat him.

You ran through the fire tornado, pulling your mask up around your nose so you wouldn't breath in the smoke.

"Well aren't you a brave one?" Gang Orca spoke as you stood before him. "Is it just me or is it getting a little too dry?" He said as he got out a water bottle.

As he was about to open it you stretched out your hand, it was time to use what Mr. Aizawa taught you. You forcefully brought the bottle towards you and caught it in your hand.

You kept eye contact with Gang Orca as he was now aware of what you could do, and now that you know his biggest weakness.

You lit your hands up with brightly colored flames as you ran towards him when you heard the alarm. The exam was over.

As you put out the fire on your hands, so did your brother and Inasa. You took off the mask and turned to look at your brother.

"Wow, that was a close one." Gang Orca said, trying to make conversation with you but you just walked away.

You walked over to your brother as he got up from the floor.

"I'm sorry for that earlier but the fire was going everywhere an-" You began explaining yourself.

"It's ok." Shoto said as he patted your shoulder before beginning to walk away. It was a small gesture but you knew your brother was actually trying to comfort you since he rarely ever did anything like that.

You both walked back into the lobby and grouped up with your class and waited for the results.

You wanted to be confident but you were very nervous, you can only hope that your brother did enough to pass.

You were too busy anxiously biting the insides of your cheek to notice the multiple eyes on you from two different boys.

Nothing can pull your eyes away from the screen as it starts to display a list of names on the people that passed. You found your name and experience to find your brother's right next to it, but it wasn't. Your blood runs cold. Maybe it isn't in alphabetical order. You scan all of the names on the screen and can't find his name.

You slowly turn your head and make eye contact with your brother.

"This has to be a mistake." Is all you could manage to let out.

"Y/n." Your brother calls you as you begin to look for the director of this stupid exam. He was at a table giving people their physical licenses. "Y/n, it's fine." He tries to assure you but you walk over to the director anyway.

"Y/n Todoroki. Pleasure meeting you face to face. You did very well on the exam." He said in a monotone voice.

"This isn't fair." You say, matching his voice. the man let out a sigh

"Your teacher was right, you are stubborn." He said as he slouched back in his chair. "Look I know what this is about and I'm telling you right now, I'm not changing my decision." He said, looking at you with tired eyes.

"If you know everything then you should know that it wasn't his fault, there was someone in his way, he would've been able to take the villain down no problem." You argued crossing your arms.

"But he didn't." He countered, making you clench your jaw. "The other kid didn't pass either. As much as you don't like it, that is exactly what this test is for. Hero's need to understand their surroundings, work with other heroes they might not like for whatever reason, and sometimes pick up others' slack." He said, now standing.

"That's not fair. How do you expect a student to take all these things into account?" You felt your body temperature rising the angrier you got. You heard the footsteps of who could only be Mr. Aizawa coming to stop you.

"Because you did." He said calmly, grabbing the lanyard that was attached to your license and putting it over your head. "Just because I don't want to be here doesn't mean I wasn't doing my job. It still confuses me how advanced you are as a student." He spoke to you andas you were stunned. This isn't what you wanted, he wasn't supposed to notice you, he was supposed to notice your brother. You caught his eyes move to where Shoto stood next to you. "But your biggest flaw is-"

"He is not a flaw." You narrow your eyes at him, anger now evident in your voice.

"Alright problem children let go." Aizawa said as he finally reached you, leading you outside. 

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