Chapter 55

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Once inside the station, the officers sat you both down in the lobby and called over some paramedics. They came over to the both of you with first aid kits and started asking some questions. Bakugou mostly scoffed and brushed them off because he wasn't injured, so then they turned to you.

"Oh my are you alright?" The female paramedic said as she saw the blood on your face that was dry by now.

"Oh yeah it's really nothing." You assure her. She steps closer to you and starts to clean the blood carefully, thinking there's a cut on your face or something. She was surprised when she didn't find even a scrape. 

"Uh? Where exactly are you bleeding from?" She asked confused and somewhat worried. "The blood had to come from somewhere?" She added, looking all over your face.

"Oh, it's not my blood. I told you I'm fine." You reply nonchalantly. "Um, do you know when we can go home?" You ask, noticing that she's done cleaning the blood. The look on her face changed from confusion to shock as she realized what you said. Without saying a word, she walked away and tarted talking to one of the police officers that brought you two in. The other paramedic joined them.

You let out a long sigh and lightly slumped back into your chair. You had no idea when they were going to let you leave. You were just now realizing that your Father is definitely going to be furious when he gets home so you want to make sure you and your brother are safe in your rooms when he gets home.

You turn your head to look at Bakugou. This is the most relaxed you've ever seen his face, but you could tell he was anything but relaxed. His eyes glued to the ground with a hint of...guilt? What could he possibly feel guilty about?

You didn't realize how intently you were staring at him but he definitely did. You noticed how he furrowed his brows and glared back at you. 

"The fuck are you looking at?" He said sitting up to glare at you. You stayed quiet for a bit, still examining the look on his face. He would never tell you how he actually felt but, his expression and look in his eyes did. 

He got angrier at you for not answering him. He was confused by your actions, not knowing why you were just looking at him. Usually, when someone was looking at him, they would look away once they saw him look back at them, but, you didn't. 

"None of this is your fault." You finally spoke, almost in a whisper, still unsure. "You know that, right?" You added, still not knowing what he could be guilty about.

His eyes widened, and he quickly looked away. This proved you right, he was feeling guilty. He was shocked and somewhat mad at himself for making it so easy for you to read him. You knew exactly what he was thinking and he hated it. He opened his mouth to bark back a response but was cut off.

"Katsuki!" You heard a woman call. You both look at where the voice came from and Bakugou slumped back in his seat. You saw a woman that looked just like Bakugou, spiky blonde hair, red eyes, everything. Next to her stood a man with spiky brown hair and glasses, you guessed they were his parents.

They made their way over and while his dad was asking if he was alright his mother was scolding him. You found this odd but didn't say anything. You heard the officer from before call your name. You got up and walked over to him. 

"Would you like us to call your fa-"

"No, uh no it's fine." You cut the officer off before he even finished his question. 

"Are you sure? We can call another family member if he's busy." He assured you, but you much rather speed this thing up and just go home. 

"No I promise I'm fine." You replied with a small smile. This is when Bakugou's parents came to talk with the officer as well. 

"Excuse me, is there anything else you need to do so we can leave." His mother asked the officer while Bakugou and his father stood behind her. 

"Yes. We have to question you two about what exactly took place from your perspectives." The officer explained, looking at me and then Bakugou. "It shouldn't take that long. I'll go grab another officer and the stuff we'll need and then we can get started." The officer adds, walking away and leaving you with Bakugou and his parents.

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