Chapter 36

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"What do you mean?" You said, looking up at him, trying to act innocent so maybe he'd just go away, but you knew he wouldn't.

"You know exactly what the fuck I mean." He says angrily but not shouting, trying to be quiet. "Screaming at me about not wanting to be a hero, then being a fucking show off earlier getting here before everyone else, AND THEN thinking your the shit and getting on my fucking nerves about this whole hot spring thing." He said slightly loud all in one breath and gripping your arm tighter with every word. He takes a breath before speaking again. "That's what I'm talking about, so speak." He demands, pulling your arm that he was holding slightly towards him.

You didn't know what to say, you didn't mean to be the first one here or even tell him you didn't actually what to be a hero. His ruby red eyes burning into yours, his face so close to yours, you could feel his heady breathing which meant he was very angry. 

"I-I didn't mean to." Is all you could muster before looking away, feeling so overwhelmed.

"You didn't mean to what? Fucking look at me dumbass!" He shouted this time, not caring about his volume and tugging at your arm again so you could look back at him.

"I DIDNT MEANT ANY OF IT OK!" You shouted, now annoyed at his questions, why does he even want to know so bad. "I didn't mean to be the first one here, I was alone and I thought I was taking too long already so I rushed here and when I arrived I just happened to be the first one." You explained, only breaking eye contact until you were done. 

"You were alone? That's a fucking first, you never leave that icy hot bastard's side." He stated after he recovered from the shock of you actually screaming at him. 

"He was with Midoriya and I didn't want to bother them so I went alone. Why are you asking so many questions?" You asked, just wanting to go to back to the training spot already.

"Don't fucking question me I can do whatever the fuck I want." He tugged at your arm pulling you even closer to him. Your chested were humping and you could feel the warmth of his body, it was so overwhelming, you've never been this close to a person before. 

"Stop fucking pulling me!" You said before shoving him off of you. He stumbled back a bit but recovered his balance quickly. He was in shock again, first you scream at him and then you cuss at him?

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He said stepping closer to you again.

"Who do I think I am? Who do you think you are? I don't have to tell you anything about me and I don't have to let you touch me whenever you feel like it!" You yelled back at him furiously and made your way out of the hot springs. 

When you made it to the lobby where the exit doors where, there were two older ladies standing there and you noticed their cheeks were slightly pink. They were also avoiding eye contact, did they here you? You didn't say anything bad, did you? You looked behind you and you saw Bakugou following closely behind you, his head down and you noticed a slight pink on his cheeks as well. What was going on. 

You both made it out of the hot springs and started to make your way back to the training area, in silence this time. But of course, Bakugou always had to have the last word. 

"I don't want to fucking touch you, stupid idiot." He said lowly, just loud enough for you to hear, and faced away from you. You've never seen Bakugou act this way before, why is he acting like this anyway? Maybe it was because you screamed at him, you started to feel guilty.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you Bakugou." You said softly, hoping this will fix things up. 

"I don't want a stupid apology dumbass!" He raised his voice this time, turning yo look at you. You stared back at him trying to figure what he did want, but then he just looked away again. 

"Then what do you want? You're confusing me." You asked him up front, getting tired of this back and forth.

"I want answers. Good fucking answers not just 'i don't know' 'i didn't mean to', that's bullshit." He said, mimicking your previous answers in a squeaky voice. You sighed before speaking, trying to figure out how to answer all his questions.

"I already told you I didn't mean to be the first one here earlier and I meant it, I really didn't." You said looking at him, he had his signature scowl on his face and just rolled his eyes. You continued. "I didn't mean to tell you that I didn't want to be a hero, it just kind of slipped out." You confessed, not finding an easier way of saying it.

"Then why the fuck are you here?" He said in an actually normal one for once. 

"Because my dad wants me to be a hero, and that's all I'm going to say about that." You quickly said, it wasn't a total lie, you just kept out the fact that you were only here for your brother and his safety. Bakugou seemed satisfied with that answer letting out a small scoff in response.

"And I wasn't trying to be rude earlier, really. I just didn't understand your problem. If you didn't want to come you didn't have to." You answered his last question from earlier. 

"It was really none of your damn business." He said back in his usual angry tone and crossed his arms.

"Well, you are in my business. Why is that?" You asked curiously, turning your head to look at him. 

"Don't fucking question me, idiot." He said facing away from you again. At least now you knew he was back to normal. 

The conversation brought you two back to the training area. You two walked into the main cabin where everyone was in and immediately eyes were on the two of you.

Burning Love (Bakugo x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя