Chapter 65

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Bakugou's POV~

I didn't know how to react as she held me. It was so out of the blue. I thought I wanted to push her away but deep down I knew I didn't.

I slowly started to give in, finally relaxing my body. My arms subconsciously wrapped around her waist and pulled her in, closing the space between us. This time, she was the one who was caught off guard. Nevertheless, she kept her arms around my neck and hugging my head against her neck. 

I took a deep breath in as I rested my head further in her neck. She smelled so...sweet. I couldn't get enough. My arms tightened around her as I buried my face deeper in her neck. God! I wonder if she tastes as sweet as sh—

My eyes widen as I finally realize what I was doing and thinking. I let go of her and step back. What was I thinking? I'm probably just tired, it is past midnight already. 

"Are you alright?" She asks. I look at her and it's not the annoyed look she had earlier, but a more concerned and empathetic look. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and looked away. 

"Why wouldn't I be fine, idiot." I scoff, not wanting her to see how pink my cheeks are. 

What's happening to me? What is she doing to me?

"It's getting really late. I should go now. Iida's probably asleep already." She spoke, her voice soft and quiet. She is mostly right, it is late and Iida is most likely asleep already, but she shouldn't go. 

"Well I'm not taking any chances." I say as I make my way to my bed. 

"Well what do you want me to do?" She starts, turning to face me. "Sleep here?" She asks. 

Yes, was the first thought in my mind, but obviously I couldn't say that.

"Just leave in the morning, it isn't a big deal." I respond sitting on my bed once more. "Plus, you need all the rest you can get, I'm not taking it easy on you tomorrow." I warn her with a small smirk. 

"So you were taking it easy on me today?" She asks as she walks around to the other side of the bed. "It didn't seem like it." She adds, a small smirk of her own on her face.

"You think you're so funny." I scoff. "Just wait for tomorrow." Is all I say as I turn and lay on my side, facing away from her. I felt the bed dip as she got on and laid down next to me. 

 Trying to sleep, closing my eyes, switching positions, even counting some fucking sheep, but I just couldn't. 

I slowly turn around to see in she's asleep. She's facing away from me so I have to lean over a bit to see her face. Once I do, I see her fast asleep. 'Having trouble sleeping' my ass.

I lay back down, but this time facing her. I didn't notice her hair in one big braid until now. I gently reach my hand out to grab it. She has so much hair, and it's so beautiful too. 

I tried stopping myself but I couldn't as I slowly start to play with the loose hair on the end. It was so soft and relaxing. I finally felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

God! What is she doing to me?

A/N: Hey everyone, I know this is a short chapter but I just wanted to come on here and thank you all for the love and support. 

This is my first story so I'm still trying to get used to everything, and I still have to find time to write because I've been super busy, so I'm super happy that so many of you like my story.

Thank you all so much!! Love you all<3

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