Chapter 40

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Once you stepped into the cabin you went straight to your bed, throwing yourself on top on it, bring a pillow up to your face and screaming into it. You've never been this mad before. He was just so... stupid. Who does he even think he it? Your dad barely lifts a finger for the two of you. 

All these thoughts filled your mind as you clenched the pillow you just screamed into in your hands as you thought about how much of a jackass Monoma was. Then you thought about how you let him get to you and got mad at yourself for not being stronger. You squeezed the pillow even harder as you grew angrier, then your quirked activated and the pillow turned to ash almost instant. Great, now you don't have a pillow. You groaned, shaking the ashes off your bed and turning to lay on your side. 

You were in your room for a while until you heard a knock on the door, but you didn't bother saying anything. Then you heard it open and close, then footsteps coming closer to you.

"Are you ok?" Your brother said in his usual monotone voice. Of course they would send him in. You sigh before sitting up on your bed.

"Yeah. Sorry about that." You apologized, thinking that you might have embarrassed him.

"What even was that?" He questioned, asking about your quirk.

"I don't know, it's never happened before." You started to answer, looking down at your hands. "I just got so mad I don't know?" You explain, covering your face with your hands. 

" Well, Aizawa said that if you were feeling alright to come back outside since training started." He said while walking towards the door, then looking at you before leaving.

"Yeah I'm fine now, I'll be right out." You said, getting up from your bed as he left and closed the door behind him.  You took a deep breath before opening the door. Once you did, you saw Mr. Aizawa and Mandalay talking. They were the only two out there. Once Aizawa noticed you he spoke.

"Let's go." He said to you, after saying by to Mandalay. You quickly rushed to his side, not knowing where he was leading you to, but following nonetheless. He lead you deep into the forest away from everyone else, in silence. You took this time to apologize for your actions earlier. 

"I'm sorry... about earlier." You spoke, still looking straight forward. 

"Don't be. That was actually quites helpful."  He replied, voice monotone, still looking forward. What did that mean? You decided not to question it. All of a sudden, he stopped. You did too. You looked at him, not seeming him move or say anything. 

Then you heard rustling in the trees behind you. From the corner of your eye you see two figures launch themselves towards you. You take a step back, dodging one of them them, then duck, dodging the arms of the other. You take one last jump back, putting your fists up in defense when you finally realize it's Pixie-bob and Tiger, from the Pussycats. 

"Wow, you do have fast reflexes." Pixie-bob says going to stand next to Aizawa. 

"Yeah I was sure I had you." Tiger adds. They burst out laughing when they see the confused look on their face.

"They will be training you, and they won't go easy on you." Aizawa says to you with a sharp glare and then starts to leave.  

"That's right. Now where do we start?" Pixie-bob says rubbing her hands together. 

The training lasted about 3 hours, with no breaks. During those three hours, Pixie-bob and Tiger were ruthless. Tiger made you do push ups, sit ups, planks, squats, anything you could imagine. He made sure you weren't getting lazy with them either, if he thought you messed up, he'd make you do them all over again. Then Pixie-bob would create a big dirt monster which you had to let chase you for 5 minutes before attacking, and then you had to kill it. You had to do this on repeat for 3 hours. 

"Okay we're done!" Pixie-bob says clasping her hands together with a big smile. You stand up straight, wiping the sweat off your face. Then you saw Aizawa coming up from behind the two. 

"That's it? She barely sweating. You two were supposed to be ruthless." He complained, standing next to them.

"We were!" Tiger defended. "We gave her no breaks, 30 sit ups, push ups, squats, and 15 minute planks, for 10 rounds!" Tiger said throwing his hands up in your direction. You just stood there, awkwardly looking at them.

"Should I do more?" You suggested. Tiger just ran his hand down his face and let out a sigh while Pixie-bob laughed. 

"How do you twin at home, you did this like nothing?" She asks. 

"It's similar to this, a lot of cardio, and mostly just combat training." You said simply.

"You do stuff like this...regularly?" She questions. You nod and their eyes widen. You didn't think it was that odd.

"Alright that's enough talking. It's my turn now." Aizawa said walking over to you and shooing away the other two. 

Burning Love (Bakugo x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant